Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3/26/19 Shitty Start Outside?

    If there is one thing I like about the mornings it is that Javalina does not need to be yelled and shaken and threatened to wake up like Boy used to need.  He sets his own alarm and gets up at 6:00am.  I don't take him to school until 7:50am, but he insists on getting up that early so he can shower, eat breakfast and hang out watching videos on YouTube or whatever else strikes his fancy.  Monday mornings are kind of a wasted time for me.  I almost have to stay up late on Sunday night, which is when I do the last of the washing and ironing and what not.  When I do like Wife likes and go to sleep with her, I wake up early Monday and have a hard time staying in bed during the morning.  Anyway, I was up until 5:00am last night, napped for an hour, woke up to make sure Javalina was up, then slept until 7:45am, took him to school, which is where our story picks up.
    I understand a 25 year old idiot making bad decisions on a weekend night, passing on the shoulder, not stopping at an intersection, but what about a mom in her late 30's, shouldn't that asshole know better than to take chances on the road?  Coming out of our community, I saw a mom in a Hyundai SUV on a side road to mine and I thought "Sorry, I beat you, line up behind me."  It is a real pain in the ass in the mornings to make a left turn out of our community because Akins High School is tot he right and people just drive a little aggressively down 1st Street.  I was waiting for my shot, but a car stopped in the middle lane to turn across the street from us into the apartment complex on the other side.  I know full well that that sumbitch has the right of way, but Ahole mama was having none of it.  She went on my right side and put her left turn blinker which made me almost short circuit because I can't handle shit like that.  The last thing I want to do is be involved in a ridiculous accident.  I didn't even have a chance to react, she blasted out into the middle of the road almost getting hit by cars going to the right and she cut in front of the sumbitch still waiting in the middle to turn into the apartments.  The really funny part is that I took off a couple of seconds later and without speeding still caught up to her by the next light, so what was her point?  That is one of the stupidest things I have seen on the road.
    Not to be outdone, another moron in the school parking lot came in all aggressive on my lane, jumped over as Javalina made it across and jumped over back in front of me like the cops were chasing him.  Ask anyone, I am not a lazy or slow driver, I am pretty aggressive myself, but I don't know what these people were on.  When I brought it up to Wife, she had a very smart answer.  She told me it was the end of Spring Break, parents were rushing to get rid of their shitty kids and drop them off so they could get back to being themselves.  I am paraphrasing because Wife believes people are inherently good.
    I was just glad to get to Target which is very close to the house and then finally home to get out of all that idiot traffic.

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