Monday, April 30, 2018

4/30/18 Sunday Funday, Nonsense?

    I don't know what I was thinking for Sunday, other than getting up for some coffee but Wife did not have a problem filling out the day.  She came down asking if I wanted to go get tortillas with her at Rosa's Tortilla Factory down the street and I pretty much had to say yes.  Because of the looking into my credit card from the bank, and them insisting I had been compromised, they cancelled my card and they decided I would get a new one in the mail.  To go without a bank card for most of the week, I needed my Excursion filled with gas, and some cash in case we go have lunch.  The guy from the bank said it would take 5-7 days to get my new card.  Once that was done, Wife made breakfast and I thought "time for a nap".  Of course not, when Wife is around.  She said "I am going to go cut the grass."  which made me either have to stand up to the challenge or start one of those fights which last past a week.
    I told her I would cut the grass in the front, which is usually the easiest thing to do.  She was marching around behind me and around me with the trimmer until she ran out of battery charge,  The only thing enjoyable is listening to music loud with my earbuds.  It used to be we had a Walkman or other device which would play one cassette or one CD and we could listen to it through earphones wired to the device.  This is the future, now we have wireless earphones, which are earbuds you shove in your ears.  They can be connected to anything that has "Bluetooth" technology, which can be laptops, phones, even TVs and other weird stuff.  I have lightbulbs in my kitchen that have speakers and my phone frequently connects to them without me knowing or remembering and I can be upstairs and my phone conversations will come through loud and clear in the kitchen.  Anyways, as far as listening, today we have music on youtube or blogs, which are people speaking about different topics which can be entertaining or informative.
    We ended up cutting both front and backyards together.  The back is surprisingly big, I guess because it slopes down to the rear, it takes a lot of effort to cut it.  Wife took the lead when we started the back, I had a nasty blue tarp by the pool I had been wanting to cut and throw away and I finally did.  I did not have the energy to start firing up the pool but the plan is to start doing it in the next few days.  Today would have been nice to jump in after all that working and sweating.
    I did manage to get a nap in eventually.  we both showered and stuff and I took a nap from around 3:30 to 5:30pm, it was good, but I felt heat coming off of me while I laid in bed.  After I got up, we both looked outside and decided it was too sunny outside for BBQ, so the burgers went on the skillet, along with the sausages.  Wife didn't want to take another shower, if we grilled she said her hair would smell like smoke.
    We ate early enough that I was in bed by 9:00pm.  But here I am writing from 2:00am to 4:30am.  I guess this works out, I can say bye to Wife, she is fixing to leave, so I'll go walk her out to her car as she heads on down to La Pryor.

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