Saturday, April 14, 2018

4/15/18 Track And Field?

    Today (Saturday ) was a super long day.  Javalina had his district tournament in Nelson Field, which is in North Austin.  What made lthis hard was the wind.  It wasn't freezing, but the wind must have been gusting into 30 and 40 mph gusts.  I got up at 6:00am, took a quick shower and went and dropped off Javalina at his school.  I then drove back to the house to pick up Wife, and my Mom and Dad.  We then headed up North, since there was no traffic we stopped to get some coffee that was hard to drink it was so hot.
    The meet had nine schools competing, it was a really cool feeling being amongst all the school colors.  The schools there were pretty much the same ones they played during football season,  There was Bailey, Bedichek, Dobie, Kealing, Fullmore, Martin, O'Henry, Means, Garcia, and Paredes Middle Schools.  According to Wife, depending on which degree plan he is interested, he could have been enrolled at any of these schools, but I digress.  He is a Bedichek Bobcat and he is proud of that.  He has been throwing both discus and shotput over the last couple weeks, but the coach told him to just focus on shotput today.
    It went good enough, considering he has only practiced about two weeks and this past week they only met for one practice session (because of testing), he came in 7th in a round robin of the three best shotputters from the ten area schools.  This was the district meet, so if I understand correctly, there is a regional meet in another couple weeks.  He gets to compete because he came in the top eight, which sounds exciting.
    It was kind of cute, knowing all the skinny fast boys and girls were in the football stadium running in the running events, while out here, most of the boys were cut like ours, looking like they had never skipped a meal. Speaking of, as soon as Javalina (which is what he used as his name in the tournament) was done and knew what place he got, he was ready to go.  We left and stopped to eat at Don Dario's, which sucks later in the day for trying to eat with the loud mariachis.  It was early, like 10:30 am, so eating was not a problem.
    We came home and I crashed hard, sleeping from about 11:00am until 3:00pm.  I got up because we had a scheduled date with H&R Block, trying to get our taxes done at the last minute.  I didn't realize they were due 4/18, I was thinking 4/22, but that is my Mom's birthday.  Anyways, it  couple of hours sitting in that small cubicle, we got it done, including getting our credits for the solar panels.  Wife has been riding me since they were installed about the credits, she didn't believe they would be so easy.
    It was a busy day, but it was fun, even if the cold was freezing our nuggets off.

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