Thursday, April 19, 2018

4/19/18 Gentrification Of Austin?

    I am not sure how I feel about this new-ish term, to me.  The first week I was in the big city of Austin, I asked around "where can you see hookers", like on TV working street corners and such?  They told me to go down like 7th street on the eastside and although I was new to the big city life, that was one of the scariest feelings I have ever felt.  There was a smattering of "ladies" and I'm sure for a fee they were available, but we did one round and never again, well maybe two rounds, but it was intense, this was 1991.  Fast forward maybe eight years and Wife is working at ACC and one of her coworkers grandma happened to live in that area and she mentioned they wanted to buy her property and develop condominiums and they had plans of making the east side of I-35 match the popular downtown area.  I kind of thought to myself that whole area needs a reboot, sorry for her grandma, I hope they paid her off well enough to relocate, but today that side of the highway is starting to look very clean and nice, sorry, but I prefer that.
    Is there too much gentrification?  I think when the Ferrari dealership opens up in a neighborhood where it takes three or four houses to equal the cost of one Ferrari, they might have jumped the gun too early.  I just looked at their website and the newest priciest cars go into the $400,000 and I'm not sure my fat ass would even fit in one or the weight limit would allow me to sit in one.  The cheapest used 2004, that is as old as my Excursion, 14 years, is still holding on to a $134,865 price tag.  Wow!  We sold our first house and made a healthy sum of $165,000 which is not much different from their 14yr old car.  BMW is also fixing to open about a block away from Ferrari, so change is afoot.  BMW is better priced to compete but it still says a lot for the I-35 corridor, that first Audi snuck into the motor mile, now these two guys.  I know the median income has not climbed much, so who can afford these beautiful toys?  Where do they expect the poor/middle income people living south of Ben White to move to?
    I worry Austin is trying to grow too fast, if those condos fail to attract the rich affluent people they are going after, then eventually the poor return and now instead of being in houses, they will be more condensed in basically apartments that reach for the skies.

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