Saturday, December 4, 2021

12/4/21 Mijo Has To Love This Thing Called Wrestling?

     It is a weird sport that not only beats you up on the mat, but also demands so much of you in your daily life.  What other sport can demand your weight does not fluctuate by less than 8 pounds in order to participate on a weekly basis?  What other sport qualifies you first by looking at your pee and making sure it isn't too dark?  What other sport will have a wake up call at 4:00am, yet not see true action for all but 18-24 minutes all day long?

    Baby A keeps saying that he loves this sport of wrestling, and we love watching him do it, but it is such a demanding sport.  We had to be up at 4:00am today (Saturday) so he could be at his school by 5:45am, he has a routine and even then, he did not get fully ready, which did affect his play.  The purpose of being up so early was so they could leave and be at Georgetown High School by 7:00am.  This was important because all wrestlers have to weigh in on the morning of competition and if they don't fall within their weight range, they are not allowed to wrestle for the day.  The actual matches did not start until 9:00am, but all that has to happen first.  The pee thing I mentioned above is referring to the pee test they take at the start of the season.  They have to show they are processing and drinking water, I guess to see that their kidneys are working, not sure why, but it is checked.  One of Mijo's friends was not allowed to participate because as my son said "his pee looked like orange soda."

    Today, Mijo had three matches, all the boys were at least 3-4 inches taller than him, and had an advantage of 20-30 pounds.  He wrestles with the heaviest group and the range is between 220 and 285.  He weighs around 245, so he doesn't have to worry about his weight, but some of his competition looked beefy compared to him.  Still, he handled two of them for wins, the third he really looked like the better wrestler, the other guy never really took charge, but our son kept holding his arms together in a hug motion and that is illegal.  He thought it was only illegal if he gripped his hands, but just having the fingers from opposite hands touching can be considered illegal.  He took a loss, but he was not beat by the other kid.  He also won a 4th match on a forfeit, the kid did not go, but he had already beat him at the last tournament fairly easily, so he probably would have beat him again.

    As he said, including those type of wins, he is now 6-3 for the season.  Only one of those losses was a domination by the other kid.  The other loss could have gone either way, and then the technical loss.  He is doing really well this season and seems to be learning more and more every week.  We will just sit back and keep watching his progress and supporting all our Cougar fighters.

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