Monday, August 9, 2021

8/9/21 Annoying Grown-ish Episode?

     I really enjoy watching Black-ish, I can relate to the father Anthony Anderson who does everything for his family yet is always bested by his wife who (like in every TV show) is an all around better human.  They touch on a lot of black issues, and them being a black family, I guess I understand, but I really prefer when they just stick to funny.  I don't remember watching the Cosby show to be preached to politically or The Jeffersons, I loved George Jefferson's attitude back in the day, he was funny.

    Black-ish almost lost me when the season started last year and they were really engulfed in the whole BLM movement.  I guess they got the hint by something because after a few episodes, they dropped the crap and focused on being funny.  It's fine if you want to take a political stand, but don't expect your audience to follow along, a lot of the BLM stuff has turned out to be self serving.

    Well, they have a spin off show, Grown-ish and it follows the oldest daughter at college and I generally enjoy the show (today's TV landscape is so barren, this is one of the last shows I am even invested in).  The characters are all kind of idiots in their own way, but it is excusable because they are young and they are supposed to make young kid mistakes, I get that.  Zoe, the daughter from Black-ish, is perhaps the worst, very self centered and kind of a spoiled daddy's girl who keeps the show going with her life choices.

    Anyway, the latest episode was on the killings of "innocent" black people by cops and MAN!  did they make it one sided.  It would be easier to support them if the real stories weren't covered so well on Youtube.  They used fictional characters and it is much easier to show them innocent and just getting blasted while headed to church or buying a Gatorade on the street corner.  They used this chubby baby faced kid's face for one of the killed to show us how terrible police are, and I think that is a horrible message to send.  Of course, in both instances they used on the show, the people killed were unarmed and not doing anything wrong.  Where is the reality, where is the story line where they start fighting the cop, the attempts to reach for a weapon and the cop then has to defend themselves?  Where is the bad decisions by the person killed because he chose to be high on drugs and made bad decisions?

    I thought this was a bad episode.  The issue could have been addressed positively, how about reminding people that the police officer is also a real person and they also are human and reacting to their environment.  Moving fast to where the officer thinks you might pull a gun is a very good way to get shot.  Reaching for anything might make the officer think your intentions are bad.  There must be personal accountability too, the world isn't here to protect you, participate positively, life isn't just about getting high and enjoying the good times.

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