Sunday, August 1, 2021

8/2/21 Relaxing Sunday Afternoon?

     Sundays are usually good, if we are home.  There was a time when they bothered me, if I wasn't home, running around listening to the radio on Sundays was horrible, the music was always just a bit off.  Nowadays, we are home most Sundays and I think that is how it should be.  We slept in, I slept until 9:30am at least and then got up to see what was going on with our house.  I also was looking forward to turning on the water to the pool to fill it up yet again.  It was about half full after ripping off the light and leaving a huge hole which I stupidly thought Flex tape would cover and it would hold.  It did, for about two weeks but then I had to accept that it all needed to come off and there was so much tape residue and guck stuck on the wall that I just ignored it for almost a month.  Friday night I finally went out there and scraped and used all my tricks I could think of to get the last of the glue off.  Acetone (Wife's nail polish) really helped along with Goo Gone and some sanding pads I bought for my drill.  After removing all the glue, I wiped it clean with alcohol and applied a generous amount of repair putty, which is meant for small pool repairs and can set under water.  I then put a secondary protectant with a silicon compound meant for thru hull fittings on boats, so it too is water proof.  This needed to set for 24 hours, but Sunday morning was time to fill it with water.  I ran the water until 11:30pm and the water is now above the other area where I feel it has the leak which was also patched with more of this putty.  We shall see what happens by the morning, hopefully it holds water and we can finally relax on the idea of spending $100,000 for a new pool.

    Wife wanted to go eat lunch Sunday before grilling in the late afternoon, and she invited Girlie along, who has been unemployed now for a couple weeks but is working hard on her internship, so she is in a tough place where she is about to graduate from Texas State, but also very much looking for a job to keep herself afloat.  We were talking and she is like a member of the family, argues and plays around with Baby A like a sibling.  Wife has been giving her pointers and ideas for new avenues for job opportunities, like applying at Del Valle, where they are hiring staff for after care programs.  She has been around for almost 25 years which she was blown away with that little factoid since she is 28, but we met her when she was about three years old.  We had lunch at Potbelly Subs, drove by the lake to show both of them the area we found Saturday to take the kayaks sometime soon, then headed home.  Girlie left to go help clean at her cousin's and we took a nap for almost two hours.  I got up at 7:00pm and turned on the grill to make some fajitas, chicken thighs and sausages, they were really good.  What a better way to end the weekend than making some good food and saving more than half to eat during the first few days of the week before we have to start thinking of making more meals.  Wife went to bed at 10:30pm since we ate late and napped, and I am washing the last of the bedsheets from Boy's friends sleeping on our guest bed (writing this Sunday night).

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