Friday, August 6, 2021

8/6/21 New Bad Trend In Drivers?

     What happened to driver's ed class?  I have to believe some of these drivers are just showing up and being given their licenses because there are just too many horrible drivers around.  Twice in the last week I have seen people just stopped on the road, like they are going to turn or something but no signal light or indication the car is even on.  Last week Wife and I were driving back to the house and there was a car just stopped right outside our community, there is one of those new lights that allows people to cross the street just randomly here and there (they turn full red for a few seconds, then blink for another few seconds and then turn off).  Maybe the car had stopped to allow someone to cross the street but there was nobody around and we had noticed them from a distance stopped there and not going.  I believe they took the time to start texting and just continued being distracted by their phones, but that is ridiculously dangerous.

    Earlier this week, I had to stop at Lowe's to get Wife that Dewalt vacuum and although that was fine, it meant I had to get back on the frontage of I-35 too close to the Ben White flyover, so I had to drive on the street level roads all the way to work and again, surrounded by stupid villagers.  Some lady cut in front of me, fine if you are going to hustle, but then she tried to time the light in front of her so she could stop, the dumb bitch actually did stop and the light was still green.  I honked at her and she hesitated but kept rolling forward.  This annoyed the fuck out of me because I am not hanging out on food stamps and government assistance, I am actually headed to work.  I managed to get around the idiot and of course she was on her phone, holding it up to her ear like she still lives in 1995, who does that, all cars are supposed to have phone connections by now.

    The other problem that bothers me a lot is people that pretend like they are doing open heart surgery on their turns.  They'll cut you off and hurry to get in front of you, but then when they are turning into a store or restaurant, they proceed to act like they are handling two coffee cups in their hands and turning the wheel with their elbows or some slow shit, it really pisses me off.  Wife gets mad when someone drives aggressively and cuts us off but that one does not bother me.  If you are in a true hurry, God speed, be rude and cut me off, but keep that same energy and disappear into the horizon, that is cool with me.  The ones I hate are the ones in a hurry to get in front of you, maybe they are at the light and you're coming up to the intersection and the light is still green for you, but no, they are going to turn in front of you, making you slow down and now they forgot how to shift to second gear so they'll keep driving at 10 miles per hour while you were coming in at 40, so you have to pump your brakes.  These are the people who shouldn't be allowed out on the road during the busy times when the employed people are out and about.  Unemployables are never in a rush, where are they going, just another place to lounge?  I don't believe these people add value to society, they shouldn't have licenses if they aren't going to drive efficiently.  At least get the fuck out of the way, when you see someone in a hurry.

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