Sunday, August 29, 2021

8/28/21 One Is The Loneliest Number For An Afternoon?

     It doesn't happen too often, but occasionally, we make plans and things fall apart in weird ways.  Yesterday was one of those.  Baby A does not do many activities outside of football, working out, or things of that nature, so when he says he is going to do something outside that realm, I want him to go and have fun, specially when he is including his non-sports buddies.  He had asked me about two weeks ago if he could go hang out at the mall with his friends on Saturday afternoon.  This is the first time I think he has ever even made such a request, so I was pleasantly surprised and said yes, of course.

    At the same time, Wife had been planning a get together with her old coworkers and then seeing her plans fall apart because of Covid, or other plans that came up.  This weekend finally saw her free enough to go and meet that obligation, and I think she assumed we would be free to just go, and normally I would have told Mijo to just change his plans, but on the other hand, he seemed excited and the fact that Wednesday night before their first football game he was expressing how "burned out and almost not enjoying football anymore".  I felt bad for him because he spent his whole summer in workout mode.  There was no time to relax, and because Wife started hew new job at end of the school year, she didn't even get any time off, so we didn't even get a vacation of any kind this summer.  I did take a week off, but I spent it here at home taking him to practice and stuff like that.

    With that all being said, it felt too "mean" to say no to his plans to do some non football activity with his regular friends, so I told Wife I would stay home and not join her to La Pryor for the day.  After a little back and forth, she agreed this would be the best route.  

    This worked out great for Wife, who was able to go and be herself with her ladies over there, none of them having to include their husbands because I was going to show up.  It worked great for our boy because he got to go and hang out all afternoon without anyone rushing him, we thought of letting older brother take him and pick him up, but he can be a dick when he has plans and we ask him to modify anything to help us, so I only involve him in emergencies.

    It was okay overall.  I was bored out of my mind since I got to play taxi and just sit around all day.  I wanted to go see the new Seadoo jetskis that just came out but once I saw how backed up traffic was on the freeway and the store that sells them is almost in Pflugerville up north, I said, "forget that!"  I tried calling my buddy who came over to the house last week, but he texted he was at work, so I just went home and sat.  I waited about three hours, then headed back close to six, thinking he'll be out of money soon, I only gave him $140, but he texted when I got there, that they had just started watching Candyman in the theater, so I had to hang out for 2.5 hours.  Worse off, the mall starts closing early, which is a horrible sign.  I don't think this mall will be open in five years, at this pace.  It is starting to look like Highland Mall with too many shoes stores and then I noticed at Dillard's all the cologne bottles that used to normally be out on the counters for sampling aren't up there anymore, it looked a tad ghetto to me to just have the empty display of all the different cologne options, but no actual colognes to try.  I don't know, a lot of little things made me feel bad for the mall, it used to be my favorite place to go and walk around at, but it isn't the same feeling.  The back of Spencer's feels like a sleazy porn store, which I do like, but not for a mall atmosphere.  It shouldn't have all these dildos and sex toys just out on display for any kids to see.

    I ended up waiting the last 40 minutes or so in the car after I noticed Dillard's was closing and I didn't want to walk through the back hallways alone.  When they lock up the big stores, you can still get around them, but you have to take all these creepy kind of dirty back halls to get around the stores.  I just sat in the car and waited for Mijo who came out as per usual complaining on how bad the movie he had just seen was.  It felt good to get back to normal and sit with my boy to hear him complain about something.  We went ang got Wife from the house and went and got pizza for dinner.

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