Thursday, August 26, 2021

8/26/21 A Little Lesson Emerged This Morning?

     Tonight is the first full scrimmage of the football season against another school and because of that, Baby A was dressed nice this morning.  The head coach has made it a rule that the team members will dress semi-formal on game days, which includes a button up shirt and tie.  I loved this idea and made one small mistake, assuming he had a basically new black long sleeve button shirt and slacks which he had worn to a funeral a few months ago.  In my head, all he needed was a tie, which I happily ran and bought him one yesterday in his team colors of gold and black, it is supposed to be more brown but it has been mildly replaced by gold, it seems.  Anyway, Mijo looked good this morning, but his pants were almost a tad high water, meaning he might have stretched in the last 4-5 months and even the shirt was snug around his chest and arms, as he flexed to show me he barely fit in the shirt.  I told him we would go and buy him a couple new slacks tomorrow along with the next size up shirt.

    He was really hemming and hawing on the way to school feeling really exposed is what I was thinking.  He usually hides in a baggie hoodie and this put him out there for the world to see.  I told him this was by design, the coach knows what he is doing.  These are the little things that make you into a better man quicker than some of your counterparts.  Think about it, right now you are uncomfortable in these types of clothes, you're all fidgety and kind of acting like a child, but if you do this every time there is a game, it will become something normal and you'll get used to dressing like an adult.  Compare that to some of your friends who might not get this experience and the first time they are dressing up is for an interview, how uncomfortable will they feel on that day, while you will already be used to the attire.  Add to that, this makes you used to going in an adult store and buy clothes that might need to get fitted to you, along with starting you on a path of matching color palettes with slacks and dress shirts that you don't have to do when you just wear jeans and T-shirts every day.  This is all good, plus you look like a fine young man, not a little ne'er do well, which is a good look to show the professors who are still trying to gauge which kids are really trying to succeed.

    His only retort was to say "Boy dressed like this every day?"  "Yes", I said.  "Your brother has always liked to dress up and we supported it happily.  He would regularly wear a full suit with a jacket and tie to school."  It bothers him a bit that he is in a clean room and lab environment that doesn't really make sense to dress up for, but that is the nature of his job nowadays.  I am sure Mijo will have a fine day, plus we have a game to look forward to tonight.

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