Sunday, August 15, 2021

8/15/21 Weird Science, Weird Times?

     Times have certainly changed and it is funny to see Baby A reacting to movies we loved growing up.  Saturday afternoon we sat and saw Weird Science, an 80s movie we loved growing up.  It kind of occurred to me that there lies a big difference between our movies and the movies of today.  Our 80s movies were focused on kids getting laid, at any cost, while today's crap is trying to show us how great everyone can be.  I don't know what the focus is nowadays, but these teen comedies were all pretty much the same, from Revenge of the Nerds to Sixteen Candles to this last night.  Guys just want to fit in and get laid.

    Baby A just kept screaming every time there was something "wrong" in the story.  The boys, infamously, create their dream girl with the use of computers and a little nod to Frankenstein.  Mijo quickly started analyzing that "but the monster in Frankenstein wanted to die as soon as he was born, he knew he shouldn't exist..." sounded about as much fun as Wife when I play her cheesy videos I consider to be comedy.  Then again he had a problem when Lisa (Kelly Lebrock, hot but certainly not 23 years old in the role as the dream girl) starts kissing one of the dorky boys and it is insinuated that they go have sex.  Well, that was statutory rape, was all I heard from Mijo's side.  I guess in today's climate, guys ending up dressed in women's underwear cannot be seen as a funny cliche because so many kids today have issues with self identity, so why is a boy in panties seen as funny (which happened a lot in these movies).  Then my kid was sure that Lisa taking the other boy from his parents at gun point was kidnapping (which I kind of have to agree, although it was for his own good).  Even at the end of the movie when the two boys save the girls at the party, win them over and are taking them home, my son complained because they were willingly speeding and putting themselves in danger for no reason.  Poor child, my boy doesn't understand that they were in sports cars, you have to drive a Ferrari fast.

    Overall, I think he enjoyed the movie, he still claims that Top Gun is the worst 80s movie because the main character learned nothing even at the cost of his best friend, who was a better human.  It is still fun to sit and re-watch the movies with eyes from a new generation.  I assume the movies are going to be fun and he will see what we saw, but that hasn't happened so far.  The little nugget of nudity doesn't even draw a wow from him, probably because he can see naked girls on his phone all day, and a lot of idiot girls post practically naked on Instagram and all those apps all day long, so why would a set of boobies from the 80s seem like a big deal?  He is always mad the main character boys are such "losers", not in that they can't get laid but that they have no self esteem so they don't act so desperate around girls their age.  They should just be themselves and not be so obsessed with getting girls is his message to us.

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