Wednesday, August 11, 2021

8/11/21 Baby A Is In Quarantine, Again?

     This is really frustrating and kind of stupid, but I guess that is what happens when politicians make the rules.  Baby A is now siting at home through a second quarantine in the last month.  One of his teammates tested positive and because he may have come into contact with my son, he has to sit out for the requisite ten days.  I understand taking precautions, but I think if my son was going to get Covid sometime last week, he would be showing symptoms by now.  I get maybe sitting out one week or so if you aren't experiencing any symptoms, but ten days sounds so excessive.

    This came as a surprise for us, he was ready to go to practice Monday afternoon when the message came through on our team chat thing on our phone.  Once they said no practice and stay close to your phone, it was easy to figure out what was coming.  The twist on this is that practice was able to resume the next day for those that are vaccinated but for those that are not, they have to sit at home for the full ten days.  There still is no clear reason what the vaccine does, apparently one can still get the virus, one can still spread the virus, same as a non vaccinated, so what is the point.  If the vaccine is so effective, why bother masking at all anymore?  At this point, the work of the government is done, they created a vaccine and got it out to the masses, it is up to the masses if they choose to be injected with something that is not FDA certified and considered an experimental drug.

    What if there are negative effects to taking the vaccine, who will stand behind those vaccines at that point?  Will the school board or whoever the fucks making decisions help us deal with whatever the consequences?  Will the president compensate us if the vaccine ends up having terrible side effects down the line?  He has been basically shaming those that refuse to get the vaccine which I don't think is right.

    Baby A just cares about the now.  He knows right now if he gets the vaccine, then he can go back to participating in the sport he loves, so he says he doesn't care.  The coach called and talked to Wife, I was at work, and said there will also be home quarantining from school if someone tests positive and they come into contact with others, those others will also have to quarantine, which makes me think getting through a football season unscathed is going to be virtually impossible.  The solution seems to be to get vaccinated, then he can attend school with no days lost to quarantine, as it is, the tenth day for Mijo will be on the first day of school, so he is going to start the school year missing on the first day.

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