Saturday, August 21, 2021

8/21/21 Happy Birthday To Me?

     Woohoo, it's my birthday today.  Seriously, I can't really get too excited, I'm not that type of guy and when I do show emotion, Wife makes a face because I get too loud, so Yeaih me! (but quietly).  Anyways, Wife has been on me for the last two months on what we should do to celebrate and I honestly couldn't think of anything, not because I'm a curmudgeon, but I feel like I celebrate every day.  I live a good life, overall.  If I feel like eating cake any day of the week, we buy cake, if I feel like eating brisket or BBQ, most of the time Wife is ready to join me.  There is very little in life that tells me no or "you can't do that", so I live a pretty good and gifted life.

    At this point, we have raised two pretty great kids, Boy is working in my field, which is pretty much a thumbs up of approval that he likes what I have done or he would have moved away from what I do.  Baby A is still in school but any teachers or coaches that find out we are his parents quickly go out of their way to tell us how great a kid he is and we can see that he works harder than he has to in everything he does.  Wife is a fucking champ, she does go overboard busting balls on the three of us, but that is who she is and I love that at the end of the day.  She likes to play this pity party sometimes that I would leave her for somebody else or whatever, but I need a ballbuster of her magnitude, anything weaker and I would trample over them.  I love her spirit and dedication to her work, it makes her the person she is, and I know that at the end of the day, she does all that for us, so we prosper.

    My parents did everything to give us paths to success and I think looking at how my life has turned out, mission accomplished.  My siblings are equally motivated to challenge and push me just like I enjoy and believe life should be.  We don't sit all Kumbaya style like in Wife's side of the family, where everyone loves each other and everyone is great.  We get together and go at it, arguing and testing each other's resolve, much like Boy's GF says "I argue for sport." (I actually love that quote).  At the end of the day we do have a lot of love for each other, but it is fun to go at it, verbally (never physically, we're not animals).

    With all this being said, yes, I could always use more stuff but life is good.  I sometimes find myself complaining on here, but I always note that I complain over 1st world problems.  My job is pretty easy and stress free, my house is big and has plenty of space, I could use a new truck, but my vehicles are in good working order and we even have an extra vehicle, for emergencies.  I guess that if I live another fifty years (I probably won't), I can only hope it keeps on being what it is, the gift that keeps on giving.

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