Sunday, June 2, 2019

6/1/19 Bringing Our Backyard Back To Life?

    I wasn't sure how far we would get into working on the yard this week.  I don't like pushing the boys, specially when we have to be out in the heat.  But then I noticed Boy stayed home and he didn't get up until Javalina went and knocked on his door.  I was almost thinking they were sick in bed, they were making weird foods the night before with a bunch of loaves of homemade bread and pickled carrots and other vegetables.  It turns out he was just taking the day off because he is going from one department to another at work and his current boss, who he has had problems with has had him doing inventory and other work he thinks are just busy work.  On Monday, he starts with a new supervisor doing a slightly different task (at the higher salary), so he figures he will make the difference up in a couple days.
    That is all I needed.  Two lazy boys in the house equals my lawn mowed.  I sent the boys out and then I followed with the trimmer.  I had already drained the hot tub of its green ugly old water at 9:00 or 10:00am.  This was my only plan for the day.  The pool has already been clean for a week.  I wanted everything clean and ready to entertain because Javalina was having his biggest gathering/sleepover yet.  I felt kind of like a vampire as I was finishing on the hot tub and the sun was coming over the house about 11:00am.
    The day was super long.  After I finished with the hot tub, we cut the grass, and even managed to jump in the water to clean it up of the debris kicked up by the mower.  Meanwhile, there was clothes moving through the washer and I even got Girlie's BF involved by having him vacuum and going outside and picking up dog poop.  At a certain point, we had to cut the activity because Javalina had a party at Altitude, which is another version of Jumpoline.  It was fun to watch him bounce around for a good half hour.  The party was for 2 hours, so I figured I'd drop him off, go to Home Depot so I could walk around slowly, then come back and catch the tail end of the party.
    I thought it was very interesting that the kid's dad also worked at AMD (now Cypress), started in 1996, worked in Fab14, and had been on night shift for over 20 years.  He said he had the same problems I have.  His family doesn't even take him to the movies because he will fall asleep every time.  He said he barely has friends because everywhere he goes, he tends to fall asleep too.  It's like we were carved from the same stone.  It was almost scary in how similar our lives were.
    We ended the evening by picking up Wendy's and waiting for Wife to get home.  She took extra long because it was graduation night, but she eventually got here a few minutes after midnight.  I know we sat and talked while she ate, but I was in zombie mode by that time.

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