Saturday, June 15, 2019

6/15/19 Is Javalina Becoming A Social Butterfly?

    Usually, this boy does not really care to have friends over, except for maybe once a month.  His friends were over two weeks ago and last night he had another sleepover.  We don't really mind it, Boy as I have mentioned always had a friend or two over while in his high school days.  He kind of started planning this sleep over around Wednesday and yesterday before anyone arrived, he wanted my ok to walk to Target.  I was a little hesitant because if something were to happen to any of the 4 kids while under my watch, the first question would be "Why were they walking like common poor people?"  Ten minutes after they left Wife called and she was not happy that I let them go.  We promptly headed towards Southpark Meadows.  I did tell Javalina I would pick him up so he wouldn't have to walk home with cases of sodas, which is what these boys really live on.
    We picked them up as they were paying, then came home with one of them in the trunk space of the Soul, if that space behind the 2nd row of seats counts as a trunk.  The poor car looked as low rider as it ever has with the 4 boys and Wife and I in the front.  As soon as we got home, the boys ran upstairs and we went to order some pizzas from Pizza Hut. Wife and I ate and she had had a long day and was asleep by around midnight.  I slept a couple hours then came down around 1:30am and sat in the kitchen trying to write, but nothing came.  I gave up around 3:00am and went back to bed.
    I slept pretty good and woke up around 8:00am and next thing I heard was screaming from the back.  I went and looked to see of the boys were awake or asleep and no one was in the room.  I quickly figured it was probably them but I couldn't believe they were in the pool at 8:00am.  I offered them breakfast, but Javalina said they had already eaten leftover pizza and not to worry about it.  I sat in the kitchen again, trying to write but nada, sometimes the brain just doesn't want to give anything away.  It was nice to see the boys in the water until around 9:30am.  I think the water put the babies to sleep as it has been very quiet all afternoon.

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