Saturday, June 29, 2019

6/29/19 Boy Relapsed Or Just Got Worse?

    It is a somewhat funny coincidence that it is exactly one year to the day (June 28th) that we were dealing with him having Typhus.  This year he was diagnosed with Mono, or mononucleosis, or Epstein-Barr Virus two weeks ago.  Naturally, we told him to take it easy, which it was easy for him to stay home from work.  When it came time to slow down from his love life, though, that was another story.  Wife has not taken this whole period well.  I think it bothers her that she is not here to "control" this young man-child and make him do what is best for him.
    I am always caught a little off guard.  Even when you tell me what is going on, I am not a mother, so I just say mmm-hmmm, do what you need to do to get better.  I woke up a couple Mondays ago and he was home early.  I asked what was up, and he said he was sent home because he was throwing up and not feeling well.  I said well go to sleep, you fuck around all weekend staying up until all hours, you're probably just tired.  I guess he felt worse than that, he went to the clinic, which I am starting to think he likes going to it.  It is kind of curious that even after reading his chart and that he had typhus, the doctor in charge didn't want to administer any blood work, talk about a cocksucker who needs a firm kick to the gonads.  Boy did not relent, which I am glad he has learned to self-advocate from dealing with his dyslexia.  He was then diagnosed properly and found to have mono.
    He got a note and said he was staying home the rest of the week.  I filled Wife in, she was like "here we go again, this boy, when he goes down, he goes down hard."  Like I said, staying home from work, easy peasy.  Staying home from GF, not so easy.  Tuesday or Wednesday he was out in the afternoon getting froyo because "he was warm and it seemed a good idea that the yogurt would cool him off."  I kept telling him to cut the shit and stay home and rest, he is not five years old or I would have grounded him.  The man-child is 25, he should be smarter than this.  He was kind of looking better by Friday and said he was working from home, but at the GF house.  Oh yeah, Wife got into town Thursday night and there was a big blow up when Wife suggested through her brother's urging that GF should check herself for mono as she could be a carrier.  This made the GF upset and she left the house mad/upset at the idea that we would think she was some sort of germ sharing hussy, which Boy followed along.
    This angered and hurt Wife as she was finally in town to help her sick baby, only to have her baby turn out to be a "Dick" who would rather run off with the GF.  Wife decided he could fend for himself if that is how it is going to be, I thought "uh-oh" Boy just became an adult, maybe his new nick name will be Man-child.
    I don't even know how this mixed in, but he came home Saturday morning, even ate breakfast with us, he seemed apologetic, Wife was barely buying it, then he said he was going to go get his hair cut at this "other" place and that turned into the hairstylist person not cutting his hair, but giving him and GF tickets to go see some band in San Antonio.  He was still supposed to be "resting", but who listens to boring medical experts.  This week, he managed to go to work most of the week, until Friday.
    Suddenly, he has been hurting to the touch along his ribcage, diarrhea, and nausea since Thursday.  He wants to blame some sketchy chicken sandwiches he ate at work, but there we were Friday evening, in the Emergency Room, again, on June 28th.  After more blood tests, ultra sounds, and Cat scans, they determined he has an enlarged liver from the mono which is causing the tenderness on his ribs and stomach area.  They didn't see any damage, so it is not a big deal yet, PROVIDED THE JACK-ASS ACTUALLY LISTENS TO HIS MOTHER AND RESTS, this time around.  He has another week now, when it would be better if he just stayed home, let's just hope there aren't any more free concert tickets being given away by strangers.

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