Wednesday, June 26, 2019

6/26/19 How Stupid Are People?

    I hadn't focused on watching "Fail" videos on YouTube, but somehow they have become front and center, it seems to be the only thing it is recommending for me.  In these videos, I am just amazed how little people actually think before attempting dumb shit.  It is summertime, so there are a lot of videos around water, and the one that totally makes me say "no, Gordita…." are the ones where the 200 pound plus lady attempts to hang from a rope to make it to a body of water.  She never makes it, they don't seem to realize you need hand/arm strength to hold up those 200 or 300 pounds.  How about the young adults who decide it is a good idea to run at each other at full speed with a ball or two in between them?  This is just simple physics, even common sense would save a tooth or the headache when the lighter person gets thrown across the room.
   I am always a little scared when it comes to videos where people are using guns and you can tell they don't know what they are doing.  I've seen guns flying out of people's hands because the kickback is too strong.  I've seen where the wrong ammo is used and the gun basically explodes which is a very scary thought.  Of course, there is the old man practicing pulling the gun from a holster and shooting himself in the leg.  It is kind of funny as he says it out loud "I shot myself...." but it is also kind of funny because the exact same thing happened to my uncle when he was training to become a cop.  He survived it and we still occasionally make fun of him about it.
    I've also seen a trend of tall people jumping to touch things with their heads, but then they get carried away and some have taken horrible hits to the face and skull.  One kid habitually jumps up in several videos and knocks the shit out of his head.  I am unsure of he is just doing it for attention or if he really thinks slamming his head against a metal support structure and then multiple times he challenged the frame around the door with his face.  It all just looks painful, and for what?
    I only hope these idiots are getting somewhat compensated for their pain, otherwise they are just being very foolish and stupid.

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