Saturday, May 4, 2019

5/4/19 Avengers: Endgame? Movie

    This is all based on my opinions and maybe I got a couple things wrong.  First off, the movie does not give you much time to fall asleep, maybe in the first five minutes, but that is it.  The rest of it is a lot of ooh and aah as the movie is just cameos galore.  The first few minutes is a downer, Iron Man is on a ship with Nebula and the ship is pretty much dead, with no power and only a few more hours of oxygen.  They are saved at the last minute by our newest favorite heroine, it would be Superman in a DC world.
    Stark gets back to Earth and throws the biggest hissy fit because they didn't defeat Thanos and I guess he lost Spider-Boy in the battle.  Nothing happens for 5 years, Capt. America is running AA meetings across the US trying to make betas feel better for themselves.  Damn, if the Earth went through this, it would be terrifying and painful, but the people left would just have to ban together and make the planet work.  All these Nancies running around acting like they don't know what to do, five years down the road, tsk tsk.
    Then comes Ant Man, good ole Paul Rudd to save the day.  As we saw in the last movie, he goes into a quantum world and pops out what he thinks is five hours later, but he has been in there for 5 years.  He goes to the Avengers headquarters and suggests a plan to go back in time and get the stones before Thanos gets them and get everyone back.  Stark being the man who could do it, if it could be done says no, but then solves the problem and then they build it.  They all go back in time to get one of the six stones and they screw up, a lot, including letting Loki escape into what trouble he causes we will find out, maybe, although I like a world where Loki is still alive and not killed by freaking Thanos, ultimate Party Pooper.  That man has the biggest stick up his ass, trying to solve a problem nobody told him was his to solve.
    They say the movie was like three hours but I honestly didn't feel it.  I finally felt like it might be a good idea to take a piss when it got to the big battle scene at the end.  You couldn't leave the theater at that point.  I don't want to give anything away as to what happens but the movies never lets you go back and save people without taking its cost and we lose one of our favorites.  The whole theater was crying at that point, but it felt like the right ending, specially when the Ancient One starts some sort of soliloquy about how the hero must be the one that does the heavy sacrifice at the right time.
    I will say that I liked the ending when Thor decides Valkyrie is the right leader for their people, why not, women are taking over everywhere, but anyways.  Thor gets on the ship with the Guardians of the Galaxy and it is funny to see Quill argue about it being his ship and he is the captain.  Thor is like of course of course, but he starts messing with the plans on the screen.
    I hope the series continues somehow, it has gotten rather good.  I just read there is already a Thor 4, and a Guardians of the Galaxy 3 amongst others, so the ride is continuing.

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