Thursday, May 16, 2019

5/16/19 The Transition To Crockett Starts?

    It pains me but I am leaving the choice to Javalina.  He is choosing to go to Crockett High School because that is where the bulk of his friends are going and he has been invited to continue the Einstein program over there.  I was hoping he would go to Akins as it is almost across the street from our neighborhood and that is where Boy and his friends went.
    I had to take him to the campus yesterday and it gave me a chance to look at it quickly from eye level, not just driving by.  I am seeing a pattern, Bedichek is designed in the same way, with an open atrium inside the classrooms.  I am guessing that in the 70s, this campus was very nice and maybe even beautiful with flowers and plants on the inside atrium area.  I have nothing negative to say about either school.  Javalina has been comfortable at Bedichek, probably because it is 90% beaners.
    I took him to campus to take some sort of test for reading and writing.  It was scheduled for 4:10pm, and he gets out of school at 3:45, so there was no time to screw around.  I got up at 2:00pm, took a shower then texted Girlie to see if she wanted a ride.  Her mom was going to pick her up, but I needed the company or I am sure I would have fallen asleep either at Dairy Queen, which is less than a block from campus or in the Excursion.  He had two hours and I told him he better use the time, otherwise don't even bother taking the test.  He actually stayed longer, but he missed the writing by one point.  We can do it again next week, so yeaih!  I am not sure if this gives him credit for the high school version of English or what, but he is being given a lot of chances to pass.  At least he passed the reading portion, so hopefully he can get through the writing next week.
    He said it was tough.  We usually eat when I pick him up, so his stomach was growling and making loud noises, so he was a little embarrassed.  It helped that another kid was also having the same problem.  I think after school is a tough time to ask kids to focus and sit still for two hours, but I guess.
    I hadn't had a burger from Dairy Queen in a while.  It was alright, the fries were good.  It was nice to sit and chat and not be on the run like I always seem to be during the week.  After sitting there for an hour, we headed to the campus, but surprisingly, we had to wait another full hour.  Sitting here at work almost at the end of my shift, I do notice that I went to sleep as soon as I came back from dropping him off in the morning and I was really not drowsy like I usually am.  Maybe my BS is caused by me not going to bed when I should.  I just hate feeling like I am sleeping my life away for work all the time.

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