Friday, May 10, 2019

5/11/19 Cutting The Grass With My Wild Animal?

    I am not sure how much partying we will fit into the weekend, but knowing that we always have the eyes of the neighborhood upon us I figured a good start tot he weekend was to go ahead and cut the grass.  We have been getting a ton of rain lately and as usual, we got a nice letter from the HOA reminding us to cut the grass.  This one was like two weeks ago and we just had.  I don't go around trying to be the representative Mexican with the shitty yard, but we can only cut the grass on maybe the weekend, if we are here.  That letter was from the weekends when we were out of twn on back to back weekends for my in-law's surprise anniversary, visiting for my mom's/Easter weekend, and just some generally shitty weather.  I wish these HOA fuckers could understand we are not all old Shits sitting around the house waiting to die and looking out the windows judging my neighbors.  We work hard for what we have and we try our best to balance work life, home life and a little relaxation.
    Anyways (rant over), the weather was beautiful when we got home and I told Javalina that we should cut the grass, at least in the front so it would look nice for Mama since we're going to be here this weekend and so the HOA could suck it.  Javalina, being full of testosterone and muscle just needs to be pissed in the right way and then he will take off.  He said "fuck it, I will cut all of it before Mama gets here since brother is useless and I have to do everything around here."  Boy was busy playing grab-ass with his GF and buddy, he can't be bothered unless I schedule ahead.  I like working with Javalina, he has no quit in him unless he gets scared or just can't figure something out if it comes to him using brute force.  Last time we were cutting the grass, it got dark and he was sure there was a "snake hole" in the ground and a snake was going to get him, so he stopped.  That made the grass super thick yesterday, and the mower kept shutting off on him.  We both had our earphones on, these newest BOSE ones are actually pretty great for stuff like this, they stay in place and the sound is good even while I mowed for a bit.  He did not seem to want to understand that if you go fast on tall grass it will clump up and stop the blade which kept happening to him.  I couldn't help but laugh at how he gets mad and goes back and forth trying to figure shit out, but refuses to slow down.  His mannerisms are all like my younger brother, we've called him the "little Ponch" since he was way young but now that he is developing I hear my other brother coming out of his mouth.  He just constantly talks shit about anything and everything.  My brother always entertained me growing up with his constant talking and I find that it is the same with Javalina.  He can make a story out of the smallest things that happen at school.
    We finished cutting the grass when he said he was done.  I was following along with the trimmer which gives me a chance to try and clean up where he leaves whole lines of grass that he misses because he is in a hurry all the time.  I just hope it is next weekend that we get back outside to cut the grass again, because at best it was a shitty job out back where it was really tall.  It was the first time I lifted the mower as tall as it would go to help him finish, but it just made the whole area look like it was half-assed.  I mean it still looks way better than it did, but he has a long way to go before I let him do the yard alone.

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