Thursday, May 2, 2019

5/2/19 Differences In What We Eat?

    Recently, I found a string of videos all sort of linked together in the line of Koreans Trying BBQ or Irish Trying Different Alcohols.  I am really blown away by the little things the people have to say, sometimes they say things accidentally and it makes it more real/interesting, to me.  For example, there was a group of North Koreans who had defected to South Korea and one of the girls has been learning English and she was telling the guy serving her different pieces of BBQ how Americans were referred to as selfish bastards and how we were referred to as pigs.  She was having a bit of a hard time now having Americans live up to the "bastard" hype because she had met so many friendly Americans who were teaching her to talk English for free, as she talked she seemed to be realizing that all these people were helping her just because and maybe we weren't all bastards.  Another of the guys in the same group was not wanting to eat with a fork because it looked too much like the tool they used on the farm to move dirt and manure around, which he was also quick to say that the government also said that's how we shoveled our food in our mouths.
    The biggest wow for me is that most of these people had never eaten cow, everyone is just too poor, pork was the more common meat that made its way around the country and dog.  Dogs were not used as pets, but as a meat source.  They were then to send the fur of the dog or sheep or whatever other hide to the government so they could take the fur to line the jackets of the people serving in the army.  If you "chose" not to eat meat and didn't have a fur to send, then you had to pay a tax to cover your portion of fur your family didn't send.
    You don't realize how much pride us Texans have until they start talking about our BBQ and how we seem to specialize in BBQ-ing cow.  It seemed everyone who had never tasted brisket before just loved it, and what's not to love?  Other parts of the country prefer pork, but we go for the big one, I guess because we are Texas and everything in Texas is bigger, as we like to remind people.
    It was even funny I landed on one clip where it was a british couple and the girl looked like she pooped pink ribbons, but her eyes turned over like a shark when she had some of the brisket and proceeded to eat it with her hands.  The guy unfortunately, declared himself not a cow eater and only had chicken without the skin and some sausage, to which I say boo.

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