Friday, May 17, 2019

5/17/19 Another Graduate In The Family?

    I usually don't talk about the extended family, shoot, my family doesn't always like me talking about them, to which I say don't do idiot things if you don't want to be known for doing idiot things.  But I digress, a cousin of mine is graduating and I think that is pretty cool.  We are not your typical large Hispanic family.  My mom has four kids, that aunt with the graduating kid has two, my mom's older sister has three kids, my other aunt never had kids, neither did my older uncle and the younger uncle has one.
   I grew up close to my older aunt's kids but then she moved after a divorce and it was never really the same after.  My younger aunt with the two kids had them later.  I was already in Austin and thus have never really been close to them.  I see them about once a year which makes it that much harder to have a relationship with them, but what are you going to do?  This kid graduating is from my aunt who is the youngest of my mom's siblings, but then he is younger than Boy by a year, I think.  Boy just loves college so much, he is taking longer than normal.  I kid, but he is taking a while now, oh well, he should finish in the fall.
    My cousin is getting a degree in English and I guess that has proven to be a versatile degree.  I put my foot in my mouth a couple years ago by saying an English degree or any liberal arts degree like that has nothing on a natural sciences degrees, trying to start a fun little discussion but my sister has an english degree so my mom attacked like I had stepped on a bee hive.  I maintain that it is harder to get a science degree as it might be harder to get an engineering degree, which Boy is doing, but an English degree can be turned into a couple of things more than a teacher.  My sister is now a principal, and that is pretty cool.  My cousin has mentioned he is going to continue to study so he can teach at University level, which sounds like he may need a Master's degree and possibly a PhD.  I don't think he has a life sucking girlfriend, so he should be able to do much yet to improve himself.
    You never know where you will end up, my brother got a boring ass History degree which he then turned into a law degree, so the important thing is to just keep plugging away.  I knew nothing about chemistry (it wasn't even taught in high school in my day) and only focused on it because I thought it would be good to be strong in this field for a career in medicine but since I hate condoms, I didn't get that far.  It has been a good fit for me.

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