Thursday, May 23, 2019

5/23/19 Motorcyclists Have All The Fun?

    I think I finally figured out how the old guard running the government works.  Bikers think they are the coolest people on the streets with their leather jackets and tiny license plates, but they are just a nice pool of future organ donors for the rest of us.  The old people in charge know they will need kidneys and livers and hearts and anything else inside a normal abdomen, but where can they harvest them without looking like grave robbers?  Enter all those cool bikers who fought to ride without their helmets.  That is one rule that has to be doubling the death rate of bikers but I think this lane splitting which I heard was coming to Texas is possibly the answer to the hospitals' needs for so many organs.  Why else would they approve something that just does not make sense?  Since when did the government decide they give a shit about anybody else but themselves?  Why would they care about motorcyclists running late to the point of letting them take a shortcut between our cars and trucks?
    The answer has to be that they are doing it to keep us stocked with plenty of biker organs.  These guys live free, die young, hopefully sign organ donor cards so when they do meet their untimely death, we all benefit.  They benefit because they were allowed to ride without a helmet which I have always heard is the best.  Now it seems like they are going to benefit by being able to cut between cars at any slow down point in rush hour or any time of day, here in Austin.  When their young time is up, society benefits from a fresh batch of organs daily, I mean their brains and limbs may be erased onto the asphalt, but the tub of organs is usually protected by the rib cage and everything else.
    I think cars and trucks are becoming too safe with their warning beeps to approaching cars or lane departures or automatic adjusting of cruise control to match traffic patterns, I mean we're not far from self driving cars, yet motorcyclists still want to be their own man.  Bless them for their kindred spirit, it helps everyone, in a morbid way.
    I saw two twenty somethings on a couple of Ruckus motorcycles (they are almost scooters) and neither had a helmet on or much clothing for that matter, the girl was in typical short shorts and a small tee.  I just got the heebee jeebees that if they cut in front of me coming at them in the Excursion, they would have just become a red streak on the road, there just wasn't anything to protect them, other than them not going at the wrong time.  I still hear about the lane splitting law which allows bikers to drive between cars when cars are at a standstill and that just screams stupid because people get bored and stupid fast.  If we are idling, it isn't long before someone opens door to spill a drink or spit or vomit.  We don't need bikers coming at us at 30-40miles per hour when we decide to open a door and take one out.

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