Sunday, May 19, 2019

5/19/19 ToThe Bar?

    Saturday was a blur, thanks very much to my brother.  By the time we got to the graduation ceremony and found my family in the mezzanine section, my brother already had a tall beer and was looking for more.  It took me a second to realize my brother was looking for a drinking buddy and I was going to have to rally.  First off, I tried being the good little husband and sitting next to Wife, but my ass was too wide for their shitty excuse of a seat.  Both ass cheeks were hitting either hand rest on both sides.  My brother was standing in the last row and I figured he had the same problem as me fitting in the seats.  We were paying attention to the graduating ceremony, but barely.  Eventually, my brother wanted a beer, so we stepped out to the hallways and went back downstairs, bringing my dad along.
    My dad was complaining about the seats and the handful of stairs he had to climb as we took the elevator down to the 2nd floor.  We then came back up and never really got back into the viewing area.  My brother and I decided we've seen enough graduations that we know what happens.  We hung out in the backside where people walk and we were talking about what's been going on.  He is planning a nice trip to New York for summer vacation, catching baseball games along the way.  While we were trying to chill, a nosey worker kept coming up and being a pain in the ass.  She did not want us sitting at the little guard checkpoint because we would confuse the other patrons who might ask us questions.  Then she didn't want us in the hallway, so we went towards the inside where the people sat, but stayed at the very top and the bitch called a cop on us who came and told us to sit down because we were creating a fire hazard by blocking the escape area.  At this we walked out and remembered the nosey bitch had mentioned a handicap area and as we walked we found an open area with sofas and a TV to see the ceremony, that was the best thing ever.  We sat there like fat kings, my dad and Javalina joined us and we were comfortable for about an hour.  Eventually, Boy came out with his GF and then Wife made it out.  We then went outside to greet the graduates and then we headed off to eat.  We got real lucky with parking finding a spot only about hundred yards from the door.
    We got to Chili's way too early, by like an hour and my brother came in and opened a tab.  He asked everyone if they wanted a drink and none of us really drink, well my sister didn't go, but I said I'd go sit at the bar with him.  Wife yelled order a fruity drink, don't be trying to fool yourself ordering beer, just being an ass as we left her behind.  I did order a frozen strawberry margarita drink that was good, then a scotch (cause that looks like what men drink), and just as I finished that, the barkeep gave us a small glass of pina colada, which was so yummy, I wanted a second glass of it, but by then I was getting cloudy.  I went through the meal as they finally called us to sit down drunk I guess.  Javalina kept saying I was yelling, but I think he was fucking with me by whispering so softly.  I just ordered nachos for lunch as my brother had ordered some at the bar and they were so good.  I was kind of uncomfortable in that chair, Wife wouldn't let me fall asleep in my chair, so I eventually got up and chatted with my uncle and other family members.  Oh yeah, my cousin liked the idea of the Bible and thanked me for the words of encouragement I added.  Overall, the day was very good, we were back home by 5:30pm or so, but I was a drunk mess and mostly slept the afternoon away.

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