Saturday, May 25, 2019

5/25/19 Pumping Iron? Nope, Come Out And March?

    The school is dead, long live the school.  Something like that.  Javalina hasn't even changed out his underwear he wore on the last day of school from Bedichek Middle School, he still wants to sit and reflect with his buddies tonight, but the high school sounds like it will be a harsh mistress with a volatile temper.  They start band practice in less than two hours (I am writing this at 7:30am), Wife got an email yesterday afternoon.  He has already been on the campus twice for testing, which knowing the ego on the boy, he managed to squeeze this intel "dad, I walked around the campus while testing and I didn't see any boys bigger than me, so I will probably be on the varsity team this year."  The boy's ego appears to be bigger than mine.  Last night we saw the third installment of John Wick, who is a total bad ass character for Keanu Reeves.  The first thing our Dumb-Dumb says coming out of the theater is "I could beat him."
    I love the confidence on him, but I do worry it is going to get his husky ass in trouble with the older peeps in high school.  But, back to band, the email says they will be learning how to march and spending a good part of the day there, from 9:00am to around 4:00pm.  Football is more intense and physical, but nobody puts in more hours than band kids for their output.  He is supposed to take a half gallon of water, and some money to go eat there at the Dairy Queen or Conan's Pizza which are a half block off campus.  I guess if he gets friendly with someone with a car, they could go a tad farther, but it would be a lot to expect on the first day.
    He will also be assigned his instrument today, so he might even be bringing a new (to him) bari sax to the house.  I think it is awesome that he is still playing it, of course he has to bring in new reeds, but luckily for that, I had bought him a box of quality reeds which just sat in the kitchen drawer all year.  I used one to show him I could still play the saxophone better than him, and he did not like that.
    I am actually a little excited for this early start into high school life.  I am hoping it leads to new and cool relationships with all sorts of new people which should lead for an easier transition to a new environment.  By August, he will know a good handful of kids which should have his back in case his mouth gets him in trouble. although he tends to be very smooth and usually he seems to be playing moderator between his buddies.  Once we start adding in the boys from football practice, his plate should be full as far as meeting new people, and making new friends.
    He also has all these kids which are coming over today which are the main reason he chose Crockett over Akins High School.  Wife was also talking about him having a summer book reading list and if he didn't bother reading all of it, he won't be kept on the advanced track he has been placed into.  It is all on him and his attitude.  This could be the most exciting time of his life or he could be miserable over the next four years as it does appear a lot will be expected from our young hero.

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