Thursday, November 8, 2018

11/8/18 What To Do With Javalina Now?

    Football is over for our young athlete and he needs a release for his extra energy.  One of his coaches suggested he join the basketball team and we talked about it for a couple weeks but in the end he doesn't want to do that.  He said he has never really played it, so he knows he would be on the B team and still not start, and he is competitive, that would not be a good fit for him. 
    I like the idea of him playing basketball, I played a lot to loose weight in college, even in some intramural teams, it is fun but very fast and running back and forth can tire one out quickly.  This was the main reason I wanted him to play.  If anything, it would encourage his feet to move faster, maybe lose the Mosey nickname I like pissing him off with.  The problem is that they play so many games it might get to the point where I could not go to every game and I don't want him going anywhere feeling like we aren't available to support him, but football already had me missing so much and making time up every week, it would be worse for basketball.
    The other option we have is him going back to the boxing classes, which I loved him doing and he did not love going but always loved the feeling afterward.  Another good thing to this is that he is annoyingly always wanting to spar with me and I honestly don't like getting hit.  Dirty Dog loved putting on the gloves and going at it with him, but that is not me.  He did not like that the class is more of a get your heartbeat going for an hour than a learn to fight people.  I originally thought it would be one of those old style stand around a boxing ring and wait to get a black eye from the class bully, but it is nothing like that.  They told us some of the classes are like that, but the ones we can go to are more of a punch a bag, do some sit-ups, push-ups, run outside for a bit and repeat.  But he still managed to cover all the basic punches and everyone in the class stands in front of their own punching bag which I thought was still cool.  The only downside for me is that it does cost money, and at $89 a month, it is not cheap, which is why I have not joined.
    Anyways, both Wife and I feel that this would be good for the boy as without football he does nothing but lay around and eat.  That is not good because he can put on weight as fast as me, and I like him being big but I don't want it getting out of control.  Right now he looks pretty good, he is a lot of boy but he carries himself well.  Either way, this is all to keep him in shape for football next year, which is the sport he loves.  We did buy a couple of shot puts which it is almost time to break those out and start throwing the cannonball around.  He was pissed last year when he was sure he was going to make great strides in the last tournament after coming in 7th in a city competition, but the very last thing was cancelled.

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