Monday, March 26, 2018

3/26/18 Wrinkle In TIme? (Movie)

    Wife likes to run a  tight ship, without telling me, she got Boy to get us tickets to the movies for Friday night.  Before Boy got all dramatic with his stupid nail in the tire thing, he had handed me tickets for a 9:15pm movie start.  I thought "great!"  No way we make this, but thanks.  I didn't even talk to Wife until almost 6:00pm, saying she lost track of time, but she was on her way.  I told her I didn't think we would make the movie as it starts at 9:15, maybe if she could get out at her regular time, at least when she is driving to Austin, her regular time is 4:45pm that she is supposed to get out.  She very confidently said "I'll make it.  Just be ready."
    I at least got most of the house in order.  I rode Boy all week to cut the grass in the front, and he finally did.  Javalina took out all the trash and helped here and there, bringing me the loads for the washer.  I eventually went upstairs, changed the sheets on the bed and it was only about 7:30pm.  I took a nap, well I sat down and accidentally fell asleep.  Next thing I know, Wife is already in the house, I hadn't even showered, said screw it and put on whatever shirt and we got to the movies with about 5 minutes to spare.
    Wrinkle in Time is a beautiful movie the way it is shot, the vibrant colors they use on the actresses.  I thought the appearance of Oprah was OK, along with Mindy Kalling who I personally really love her acting and Reese Witherspoon who is also very good on her own.  The three star as the "lights", very old beings that exist in the universe, and they happen to hear a human calling, but he is not on earth, so they figure he has space traveled and is now lost.
    Chris Pine plays the scientist/father who disappears, and the daughter must then head into her teen years without her father, which is hard, excluding all the BS of a mean girl meme at her school for no good reason.  I'm sure if they had spent a minute or two, the main mean girl is also her neighbor, so they must have been besties when they were little, but this is not explained.  There is a fight at school, which is barely resolved and then the lights show up to pick up the daughter, the son, and a neighbor boy who I guess has a crush on the girl.
    They land on a planet which could still be earth but the flowers walk around and are alive.  The Reese Witherspoon character turns into a lettuce and they ride on her back to get to where some people might be.  They run into some darkness and they then explain in a very feeble attempt, more to tell us, the viewer, about how we are letting evil win by not saying anything when we see things.  It got a little preachy, the girl was a little whiny, she was clearly cute and the boy liked her, but she kept insisting that she was nothing and that gets annoying after awhile.
    After awhile they find the dad, not before running into Michael Pena first who is the leader of the hate "thing".  The little brother is some sort of gifted seer and he is brilliant, typical of a Disney kid movie, cause I never met a kid who could properly wipe their ass and conquer the universe, but in the Disney world, every other kid can do anything.
    I don't think it was as bad as the randow reviewers were laying it out at 1 star, but it did feel very clinical in that it was intended to teach us to be nicer to one another, which makes me go blechhh.

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