Saturday, March 10, 2018

3/11/18 Father-In-Law's Birthday?

    We went to San Antonio to celebrate with my Father-in-Law his 75th birthday party.  They kept it simple and delicious, as usual.  They have a love affair with the brisket but luckily, I love me a good cut of brisket.  My younger sister in law's boyfriend loves cooking them for some reason and it seems he cooks one every day, or at least it seems that way as they always seem to have brisket ready to serve when we go down there.
    We arrived around 2:00-2:30pm and the brisket and sausages were just getting cut.  There was also a tray of shortribs and I had a couple of those before I even took my shoes off.  It seems they were waiting for us to eat, because as soon as we arrived they told me to serve myself a tray and go sit to eat.  I grabbed my drink as is customary over there, and Wife served me a big ole plate of Texas love.  Meat and potato salad, rice and beans, with some avocado and salsa to put in the tacos.  Few restaurants can compete with these ladies, honestly, everything is always so good.
    My father in law was in good spirits and even conversing at the table about school this and that as Wife tends to talk about work all the time.  She told a couple of funnier (now) stories of losing their hotels in Houston and other shenanigans that happen at work.  It was real nice, not even having to get up as we finished eating and talking, they cleaned up around us and brought out coffee and the birthday cake, more tea, everything to make us comfortable.  It was nice that we waited just long enough to get Boy to join us, so all of us were there.
    My older sister in law thought it would be funny to recreate pictures as people have ben doing on Facebook and other picture sites.  There was a pic with Wife being a baby sitting on her dad's lap, sister in law on mama's lap, my brother in law playing in between and my mother in law expecting the youngest sister.  They did an interpretation of the pic, but Wife would break his old leg, so she sat on a small stool.  They had fun doing this and perhaps a couple other pics as I laid down and fell half asleep on the sofa.  I did look through the album and was impressed at how "hot" Wife looked in high school, so tiny and sexy, specially standing next to my cow ass, even back then.  Today, I see her as my whole life.  I would be incomplete without what she has added to my life, but back then she was a little Hottie.
    Before I knew it, my younger sister-in-law scampered off to another party, and my brother-in-law and his family left because they were on their way to Dallas or something.  This gave us our exit point and Wife took some leftovers and we got going.  I tried staying awake with Wife in the car, but I barely made it to 1604 before I zoned out.  Next thing I knew we were in San Marcos and I woke wanting an ice cream cone, Wife pulled off the highway but we missed the Dairy Queen.  We then continued to Austin and stopped at Sonic.  I got a small cone which got me farting just as we walked in the door to our house and helped me poop and shower before 8:30pm.
    It is nice to be home early, Boy is studying, Javalina is quiet in his room, and we are downstairs, me typing, and Wife watching some Mexican on TV.

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