Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3/14/18 Smelling What Could Become My Next Obsession?

    It has been awhile since I was around something interesting to me.  Today, I found something that intrigued me.  Well, found is a bit much.  Boy had told us about a gallery showing prints and artwork inspired and done by Dr. Seuss.  This gallery was 3-4 times bigger than the Mondo Gallery where we saw the Batman prints on Sunday.  We went in leaning to the right most side of the gallery and the art on the wall was big and colorful, but not anything that interested us too much.  In one of the "rooms", there was a series of cowgirls which had a sexiness about them, even as they held out rifles and assorted handguns.  If I had a smoking room in the house or a dark den where I displayed guns, these would have been perfect.
    Towards the back of the museum, there were like masks that looked like robot faces and a couple of prints and books labeling them as different "AlphaBots".  One had a piglike face, so obviously, his name was Pigbot, another looked like a square faced robot, I guessed correctly, Squarebot.  They were interesting and a thing all their own, but the set would require a wall dedicated to the whole freaky genre, and I can't say we collect anything weird or leaning to the macabre.  If I have a look I want to lean to, it would be the female form.  There is nothing better on this planet than the curves on a woman to look at, fuck a Ferrari, I'd rather have a big curvy female ass to stare at.
    Anyways, we finally made it over to the other side of the gallery and the Dr. Seuss stuff was really awesome and really expensive.  Most of the printed art was over $1000, and really the average price seemed to be closer to $5000.  There were a few faces of the weird animals from the Seuss world, like the lorax and those were going for as much as $25,000.  I had gone in thinking we were going to buy something, but the prices were just too much for us.
    There was an interesting small-ish "room" towards the back and it was full of Salvador Dali stuff.  Most of them were related to The Divine Comedy which Javalina is currently kind of obsessed with.  We decided we at least need to go back with our husky boy as he would love these.  Wife said maybe even let him choose a print, but most of them were going for $595, even framed, that is a bit steep.
    Finally, there was a hallway full of Disney and Muppet prints in overly bright colors.  We were confused a bit because they had prints next to paintings and the painting might be $1800, yet the print would be listed at only $150.  We may end up becoming loyal customers to this store, specially the Dali stuff, which I have loved since I was in high school and Boy keeps pushing us further into the arts.  Before that happens though, we need to get out of our little debt situation and learn to buy stuff like this with cash and not charge stuff like this.  It'll be hard, but at least I am getting a vision of what our house will look like in a couple years.

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