Wednesday, March 21, 2018

3/21/18 Bomber Is Dead?

    CBS seems pretty pleased with itself as it has been reporting for a couple hours that they have gotten the bomb guy that has been terrorizing Austin for the past week and a half.  The story says they had the guy as a person of interest since yesterday.  My question is why did he not get picked up right away?
    Energy Drink came waltzing in here to say hi and asked what was up?  Nothing much, other than they caught the idiot with the bombs.  Turns out., as we were expecting, he would be a white guy, he could not believe that someone on his team was totally the bad guy.  I told him, "Come on, this is white guy activity."  If it was some sort of thing involving stealing your car, maybe some rape involved, then yeah, it could be some sort of beaner.  Stupid killings where you get no monetary benefit from it, has to be a crazy white guy, although I agree, it could have been a middle eastern guy, but then he wouldn't have targeted black people in the first and second bombs.
    I think he got tired of his shit and wanted to get caught, so he got sloppy.  But there are still questions that need to be answered.  If he was getting bombs mailed in, is there an outsider?  Did he have the materials laying about or did he have a friend in the military giving him detonation materials?
    I don't trust that this is over, but if it is, then thank you, CIA, FBI, whoever still kicks ass in shit like this.  I think this type of activity took at least a handful of people, but it does seem like a lot of risk with hardly any reward in it for the doer and his accomplices.
    I don't think the last bomb could have gotten any closer to my street than last night at Slaughter and Brodie.  Those are streets I take all the time, going to the mall or anywhere when we need something.  There might be a last second package or two, so let's all remain vigilant and not go back to our stupid routine with our heads up our asses.
    I just heard he was 24 (8:10am), this pisses me off even more.  I have 2 24 year olds living in my house.  They barely get up on their own to go to work on time, how in the fuck did this 24 year old decide he knew well enough to take life from people?  Dumbfuck probably still had his mother washing the shit stains from his underwear and he wanted to act all manly.  What did you accomplish turd nugget?  Picture makes him look all sorts of white trashy with the bleached blonde hair, but I had thought he was in his 30's.  I always say, if you're going to kill people, start with yourself, point the gun at the person you hate the most (you) and poof, problem solved.  If you survive, the pain and disfigurement will help you realize you didn't have it that bad.  If you don't, even better.

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