Friday, September 1, 2017

9/1/17 We Really Are Just A Bunch Of Animals?

    Harvey is still messing with us in little weird ways.  Today, people decided we were running out of gas.  This progressed as the day wore on.  Why?  I was minding my own business more asleep than awake when my Mom texted.  She wanted to know if indeed Austin was out of gas.  I told her no, but I needed to check.  I went online and looked through Facebook, and a couple of other places.  There were a couple of people saying that with their eyes they could see at the local gas station, there were a lot of cars, so it must be true.  Then somebody that sounded smart put out something like there is no shortage, but when people panic, they start going en masse and consume things just by cheer size of the monster created in hysteria, my words, cause I'm smarter.
    So yes, by 2:30pm, Wife called me and told me to go fill up my Excursion and have Boy fill up his SUV too.  We both rolled our eyes, in the morning there was no one acting weird and Boy said he didn't see anything weird when he went out earlier in the day.  I was going to head to the gas station slightly out of town, because they have a large gas station with many pumps, Boy said he had just passed by the Shell and it was fine.  We didn't fare too badly, I had to wait for one car to move, then I filled up.  Boy was lined up behind me, we were home in 20 minutes.
    Fast forward to the afternoon and pandemonium was afoot.  My coworker said she had just spent an hour and a half waiting to fill up her car.  She was planning on going to Midland, Texas, but changed her mind because she was afraid of not being able to get gas to come back.  My mom had enough of the scary stories on TV, the long lines and stuff like that turning ugly.  My folks are also not traveling this weekend, so now we have a long weekend and nothing top do.
    Wife sent me some pictures of gas stations in SAN Antonio and sure enough, the cars were blocking the outside lanes in the street.  By the time I was coming to work, that is what I was noticing, way too many people doing the line dance.  While I gassed up, close to 3:00pm, the guy next to me was telling his girlfriend that we were lucky to get the gas that we did because the gas station was fixing to run dry.  At 11:00pm, the gas station was still lined up with cars to the street, so even the line of fixing to run out was a lie.  Even though I felt stupid and that is after I read an article put out by the railroad commissioner of Texas that we are not in danger of running out of gas.  He even stated that we have something like 230million barrels of processed fuel, does that matter to a scared rat?  No, he will do what his neighbor is doing, take care of himself.

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