Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/14/17 Guys Do Not React Like Gals In A Dangerous Situation?

    I have recently started following a guy on YouTube who makes video logs of him and his family out in Miami Florida.  He has a large boat and frequently heads out to different locations but always seems to end up at the sand bar.  The sand bar is this cool looking place where the water is not deep and hundreds of boaters seem to gather every weekend and people walk around and swim around their boats and visit with each other.  It looks like the best place to be, honestly.
    Well, Hurricane Irma showed up and slowed him down this past week, but I still wanted to see what they were up to.  He was in the middle of protecting his house and was supposed to be putting up shutters but he admitted that he hadn't started because it was hard and he didn't want to, which is a funny answer when a category 4 Hurricane is knocking on your door.  They decided they were going to stay and weather the storm.  This is where I found the funny similarity.
    There was an occasion one time while we were living in our old house when we were in a Tornado watch situation during the day.  Wife was in a panic and rushing home hoping to catch us before the house got torn from the foundation and we ended up in the land of Oz.  She gave me orders to get in the hallway and throw a mattress on top of us and hope for the best.  She shows up 20 minutes later, we are still outside in the yard looking up at the sky, kind of disappointed we can't see a funnel cloud in the air.  She was pissed and got us to hunker down in the hallway for a bit, but nothing came from it.
    The latest video he put up today, he is showing us his house is dark, they had just lost power, he had started his small generator and the kids were all just bored and waiting for a snack or breakfast or something.  He took us outside with the video and showed us the generator set up and all the debris in his pool.  There is a break in the video then it is lunch time and he has his grill fired up under a little roof thing and shows the trees all bending down saying they are in the middle of the hurricane, winds are about 100mph and he is throwing steaks on the grill.  Funniest part was there was a squirrel on his roof holding on for dear life.  He just throws an "I hope the little guy is ok."
    I found this guy to be quite funny.  Before the hurricane he was mostly worried about all the coconuts in his trees.  He has his yard edged by maybe 20 trees and he kept saying the coconuts were going to take off like missiles in the wind and that really worried him about his huge boat.  His boat seemed alright after the storms, but two trees did fall and land on the hood of his truck, and that sucks, but they seemed ok.

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