Tuesday, September 26, 2017

9/27/17 Bedichek Justins For The TIe?

    Some parents need to get a clue and figure out where they are.  I think I am going to be hearing "Justin!" for a long time when I close my eyes.  "Justin!, snap off the ball!"  "Justin!, Strip the Ball!"  "Come on Justin, stop them!"  These fucking kids are 12-13, Boy played two years, I don't think he ever really understood the game completely, yet you got Neanderthal Dad over there wanting Justin to carry his team, WTF!!!
    It was a weird game in that it rained and drizzled all through it.  I was finally able to test my Frogskin liner I bought for Disney last year, it never rained then.  I also don't like that they insist on sitting both team's parents on the same side.  The last thing I want to hear is negativity such as "tackle that kid, he's like 80 pounds."  Or worse, come on our quarterback sucks, queue the parent next to me "Hi, my kid is the quarterback."  I started to say something like that last week, after he kept making bad passes, but it's not the kid's fault.  They have a total of like three or four receptions over three games.  Our team is a pure running team and they should stick to that.
    Chubs said the other team was like a private school, but I looked them up, they are just a pretty white school, out in the Circle C area, Gorzycki Middle School.  The parents in the stands were kind of uppity with their shitty conversations, "is that your special umbrella, no just my Louis Vuitton bag."  Hope it got wet, biotch!  They were just a little too rah rah rah for my taste.  At one point on a nothing play some mom shrieked like the earth had opened and was fixing to swallow her son, he ran for a yard or two.  I just looked back and gave her the "really?" look.  Calm the fuck down.  It did not help that over all this was that stupid dad "Justin!"  "Justin, your cooking fajitas for dinner!"  Justin, the toilet's clogged again."
    I love supporting my boys in whatever they do, but support is about us being there.  Maybe yell if they are fixing to score or if your kid does something like an interception.  Too much screaming and you're saying "pay attention to me, I have something to say."  I say "no, no you don't."  It was still a good game, they tied it in the fourth quarter with a drive that took everyone participating, they moved the ball slowly, making about 4-5 first downs to run down the clock.  They almost converted the 2 point conversion, but I am happy that it was a good clean game.  Justin and the other 10 kids were doing a much better tackling, last week was embarrassing how they were just bouncing off each other.
    I love hearing Chubs recount the game to me through his eyes.  He admits the kid in front of him was bigger and faster, but he stayed with it.  The a-hole stuck his hand into my boy's belly under the pads which he said hurt him, so much for playing cleanly.  That tells me the kid was probably being blocked well enough he got frustrated into cheating a bit.  Overall, I can tell the kids are being coached well.  I don't agree with them trying to pass the ball, but it can open up the field if a few passes could be caught.  They had a lot less penalties for moving before the ball was snapped and very few penalties in general.  I like the kids playing clean, there is nothing good about winning while cheating, there is no honor in it.  "Justin!"

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