Monday, September 18, 2017

9/18/17 Lil Dicky Is The Best Thing I have Found Online, Other than Naked Girls?

    I have to admit I was in a funk, kind of tired of listening to the stuff I always listen to and along comes Boy and introduces me to Lil Dicky.  As he says in one of his songs with Snoop Dogg, he wants to be the rapper for people that hate rap, which is a big demographic.  It is not that he is white (btw, I was told he is not white, he is a jew, wtf!), it is that he is fucking clever and knows how to lay down a phrase.  I keep finding songs of his I hadn't even heard the last time I mentioned him, and now he released a new album or is fixing to.  In his quest to keep it fresh, the album is actually Brain and lil Dicky is featured.  By using Brain, he gets to be an observer of Lil Dicky, yet still be himself.  I tell you, he is a genius.  Brain has a huge ego as he said in his intro "Who writes the hits? That be Brain.  Who runs this whole operation? Brain.
    I am still amazed by some of his lines he throws down like in Cypher "I don't think I need a Grammy, I got two and they're fairly old." (twisted from a grammy award to his grandmas)... then he says "girls wanna get him, they been fucking with the kid (himself) Joe Paterno's assistant (Sandusky and the whole child abuse thing)."  A little further along "prepare for my libido, it's really fucking  scary Action Johnson in a Speedo, it's really fucking scary Magic Johnson near Mosquitos..." and drives it home "The kid's so cold, you'd a swore his from Pluto, his head so big, he must be juicing with Pujols."
    In the new Album, Dicky is being more mature, Brain is the one talking shit.  On "Smash" he starts right up "Brain will look a grown man in the face, tell him he should toughen up... Brain fuck an ant mound, and so many other things... (I think he's just in a fantasy, he admits Brain doesn't have a dick)".  The more you listen to his songs, the more you notice the play on words and double entendres he throws out.
    I don't understand how musicians are making money nowadays.  I would probably buy his CDs if I could find them.  I fear buying downloads and accidentally deleting them or if my phone breaks or my IPOD breaks.  I want to have that hard copy in disk form somewhere.  There is money supposedly from You Tube to the people putting out the videos.  Some videos have crazy numbers, like in the billions of views.  I hope the artist is getting the money and not some jack off 3rd party asshole sitting in some little office with no talents other than stealing from people who inspire us.

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