Saturday, September 9, 2017

9/9/17 Will Wife Accept TEA's Offer And Come Back Home?

    She didn't want me to jinx it or maybe I have mentioned it already, but Wife was offered a pretty good job opportunity today.  She had applied for a job with TEA early in the summer and although it took awhile, she was finally offered the opportunity today.  The one thing that sucks about it is that the job was originally for a lot more money.  It had a scale up to about $120,000.  In the period interviews started the pay was brought down to a max of around $72,000.  This was already less than what she was making, but she says she actually likes interviews so she decided to go even if she didn't want to accept it for the money, essentially taking a pay cut for a job with possibly more responsibilities.
    Well, the offer is for the same amount of money.  We are left scratching our heads thinking "should she take it?"  I quickly did a pros and cons list to help.  I told her the decision is completely up to her, I support whichever way you go, that being said:  At the top of the list should be We do miss you and want you back, we already did a year and it wasn't that bad, but other than the money, have you benefitted from working over there?  If you stay, how much more learning do you think you can siphon from the desert that is the people who aren't the most generous with their knowledge and the region which is in the middle of nowhere?  I know I grew up 15 minutes from there, but I also know I have now lived in Austin longer than I did down there, but I do love my family, as crass as that sounded, sorry.  The best that it could get staying down there would be to start the Superintendent course of study and take a couple of years to become certified to be a leader of a school district, was this ever one of your goals?  Would you be happy being lost for another 8-10 years in this and other small shitty towns until another opportunity brought you close to Austin?  What are the losses you are experiencing while gaining these opportunities?  Chubs will have football games the next ten weeks, will you be happy with yourself if you miss the game in which he breaks a leg or an arm or gets a mild concussion and we have to go to the hospital?  Chubs is already defying orders and staying up later than we want, is he too free without a parent here at night to guide this little teenager to do as we expect on his own?  Is it OK for him to continue a diet of take-out burgers and microwaveable food during the week, I don't foresee me changing my schedule from nights, so this is the best I can do working my 12 hour shifts Monday through Thursday.
    As my mom said, it could be a long time before another chance like this comes up where you don't lose any money.  Too bad if you end up working around the holidays or missing out on a Spring Break, if it means your kids have you every day to care for them and cook for them, especially Chubs who is barely becoming a teenager at 12.  She is also concerned with all the running around back and forth, dangerous for her with all the constant road construction and the abuse on her little car.  My mom is not a fan of a mama being away from her kids.  We have handled it pretty well, but this is a great opportunity to come back home where you belong.  I don't always agree with my mother, but on this one it seems simple enough.  We might have both wanted more money to bring you back home, but there is also an unforeseen value in having you around. I miss running to the mall during the week for a quick lunch or you showing up in the middle of the day while I am asleep.  Plus, let's admit it, you love being the captain.  I might like being the pilot and driving the ship, but you like telling us all what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and if we don't like it, where we can shove it.  I need my short Capitan back, you scare the boys better than I ever could.

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