Tuesday, September 26, 2017

9/26/17 Why Do We Care About Prostitution So Much?

    I saw a dinky little story on Facebook concerning a sex worker and her experience seemed to be mostly positive.  Whether it is or not, why do we, as a nation care so much about this?  Some like to say it is exploitation of naïve or stupid girls, some like to say they are forced into it.  I remember seeing the Bunny Ranch, some pseudo documentary about one of the more famous "whorehouses" in Nevada.  First of all, it is in the middle of nowhere, it takes effort to get down there and although they didn't outright say the prices, it seemed they were aiming for around $300-$500 a session.  Is this worse than working an 8 hour shift as a coal miner where you are pretty much guaranteed to develop lung problems, plus the very real possibility of being buried alive?  Nobody is protesting for equal rights for those people, I say it is far more dangerous a job.  For that matter, playing football at the highest level requires hundreds of "has-beens" and even more "never weres".  One of my boys best friends played in high school, both his knees were injured, had to have surgery, nobody says "we should ban football!!!"  We simply let the beat go on.  I have fully let my own Chubs play.  He could break a leg or an arm or worse on any play, I'm not sitting there crying because of it, yet people fight to protect girls rights they don't even know.
    No offense, but there is a huge part of the population that is just dumb and useless.  Like George Carlin said, think of the average person and realize half the people are stupider than that.  With that much stupidity, you can't expect everyone to end up college educated, and that is all right.  We act like the only way to succeed in 'Merica, is to follow the path of your high school counselor.  I have come to realize there are many paths to get where we want to be.  I like what I do, but I hate the bullshit that we have layoffs every 2-3 years, my job is not guaranteed.  Somebody will argue that those girls are used while they are young and attractive and spit out when they start looking old.  Uhh, isn't that the case everywhere that the job is physical?  Football players only last an average of three years, yet every school in Texas seems to make football a priority like 30% of the kids are going to play when they grow up.
    Other countries have done the experimenting, hell did not open up and swallow those countries, quit being so judgmental all the time and just let it be.  If there was an outlet, maybe sexual crimes would go down.  I have seen the light of the conservative robot man, he's the same jack-off with no sex drive, he thinks "I don't need to get laid and I'm all right, that should work for you."  I found out I was low on testosterone about the same time I noticed I didn't care if Wife wanted to have sex or not.  Fast forward now three months or so that I have been getting a weekly shot of the stuff and man, I feel like an 18 year old, I want to hump on everything again.  This seems slightly off topic, but this must be how some rapists get in the situations they get, always driven and no way to release, if there is no female in their life.  I know he can always take control manually, but that feels like cheating somehow.  Point being, many men never go through that lowered libido thing and yet they must continue in this shit society that is so ready to judge him.

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