Friday, September 8, 2017

9/8/17 Is Trump Human After All?

    I am constantly confused by this guy.  You can find old footage where he speaks very much like a democrat, but he is super rich, so it makes sense for him to be a republican.  He won by getting the Alt right to go along with him, which in itself was worrisome, in that this group includes neo-nazis and other fringe groups which have a history of hating anything that doesn't look like them.  Add to that his rhetoric of needing to build a wall between the US and Mexico and one could get the feeling he really don't like brown people.
    I have sort of decided to get off the merry go round of keeping up with his presidency, because he is making news daily without accomplishing much to make our lives better.  Between his Russia collusion crap and constant golfing vacations, he seems to be nothing more than a spoiled fat boy who is seconds from being busted of eating too much cake.  I felt like I was constantly pissed by following his tom foolery daily.
    Last week Ole Monster Energy comes in to tell me my friends are fixing to get deported as DACA had been terminated by Trump.  I was super busy, I just looked at him like "what the hell are you talking about?"  DACA!  I'm sorry but I don't know DACA off the top of my head.  He started explaining, and after a few seconds I shrugged and said yeah, sounds about right for this asshole to be doing that, but it doesn't affect me, so I give a shit.  We go back and forth, he likes to get a reaction out of me as easily as I can get one out of him.  Two days ago he was insinuating and trying to figure out what part of Mexico I would go to if all the Mexicans were run out of the US.  I said Dude, I don't even know parts in Mexico, we don't talk to anyone down there as family.  I'm sorry, but my family is like five generations born here, sorry to disappoint you.  "Oh, you must know some family down there?"  No, I vaguely remember crossing the border to go to the dentist when we were little and there was the Mercado where you could buy BINGO and liquid caramel by the jar, but I don't know shit about Mexico.
    Anyway, we argue loud but it is mostly sarcastically, but back to President Trump.  Now the angle is that he was with the "dreamers" all along (when he got backlash for stirring this mess), his reasoning  of making noise about it was to cause a reaction in Congress where they would make a law about this and not leave it to an executive order.  His spin right after he was almost mauled by both Republicans and democrats is that he wants Congress doing their jobs.  Then just yesterday, he sided with the democrats on dealings with the debt ceiling to keep the government running.  Is he finally going to start acting presidential and not so much like the buffoon he has been?  He could still turn it around, and I am hoping that like the Grinch, he has a heart in there and it can grow three times in size and be a hero.

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