Friday, September 15, 2017

9/15/17 Chubs Might Be Doing Too Much?

    Thursday was a messy day to say the least in Casa Gallegos.  Chubs was supposed to play with the Akins High School Band.  I believe the 7th and 8th grade band was going to join them but sitting in the track because they have not practiced one day doing marching formations and that stuff is not intuitive.  It can take months just to learn to march together and move as one fluid team.  Anyways, Chubs is doing football and band, or trying to.  He has already had some difficulties in that the band wants him practicing in the morning before school starts and then on some days, after school also.  He has football practice which should take priority since there are fewer kids and he can't just hide among the stronger players.
    Wife got into town about 5:00pm and it seemed like we had enough time to eat a sandwich and then get going.  According to Wife, Chubs was supposed to be at Burger Stadium by 6:00pm, but he is at football practice until almost 6:00pm, so we tried timing it to arrive when he was getting out.  By the time we got there, it was 6:05pm, he wanted to go take a shower then come back to the Band hall, Wife yelled at him that he was crazy and to go get his instrument and bring it.  I had a feeling that the band hall would be locked and I was right.  The only chance he had was that they somehow knew he would show up and someone in the band knowingly loaded his saxophone in the panel truck.  That hope faded quickly into a resounding no!  He had also just told us that they were out of the shirts he was supposed to buy to wear for the football game.  Wife talked to the female band director and she said she was in charge of the shirts and she had a few more of the shirts in his size.  He said he had asked the other two male directors.  Hmm?
    Well, what did we have left to do?  With no instrument and no shirt, we just waved at the backs of the band going into the stadium and did what we do best.  We headed off to eat.  Wife was a tiny bit annoyed because she had rushed at work and even though there is a tiny chance she will be working at a new job in a couple of weeks, what she is doing right now IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in the world.  She was technically offered a job but she has not heard back after trying to do some negotiations.  She is worried it could all fall apart and then she would stay where she is, I tell her she worries too much and to stop worrying about say the termites in the science building.  They were there before you showed up and they will be there long after you move on to three or four more jobs in pursuit of that almighty dollar.  That is not her style, though, she cares too much.  I say care about us, look at us, we're starving over here.  We need a woman's nagginess around the house, we are just living in anarchy without guidance.

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