Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11/17 Should We Throw A Virgin In The Volcano, Simpletons?

    We have a couple knuckleheads on our FB feed from the large swath of people we have met over the years.  Most are good people, some might be sketchy, some are educated, some are not.  Every time something that we don't like starts happening, a group of geniuses will determine that God is on his way or we are being punished for our shitty behavior.  Really???  This is the equivalent of scratching your nails on a chalkboard when you have a brain and have to read through banter like this.
    If we accept your premise, God is here to punish, why doesn't he really punish?  Hurricane Harvey killed maybe 70 people.  If God sent the Hurricane, how come all the buildings didn't collapse?  We engineer better and stronger than God can strike nowadays?  If this was God's will, he could've knocked all the structures over and drowned a few thousand people.  No, the people that refuse to leave are the same that end up as victims.  Of the people walking around in water up to their waists in Louisiana, I wonder how many are the same ones that were doing that when Katrina hit 10 years ago.  We have modern technology that track these things.  Hurricane Irma surprised nobody.  We knew last week, more or less the path it was going to take.  If it was God controlling it, wouldn't he zig and zag, keeping us wondering and making our science tools irrelevant?
    It is usually not the person's fault, you drop out because of hardships at home, maybe you need to help the family just to stay afloat, there is no encouragement for education, sometimes the very parents are so counter government, they don't want their children's minds poisoned by "the man".  I guess I can understand all these and even if you want to be a goofball and spend your free time getting high and enjoying life, cool beans.  Don't decide you're going to wake up now in the third quarter with your eighth grade education and somehow lead us to salvation because you stayed up late one night and heard a sermon that made sense to your little brain's ability to understand things.
    There are people that are spending their whole lives studying weather phenomenon and those are the people to listen to.  Something like 98% of scientists that study the weather have been predicting that as global warming increases, things like hurricanes will grow larger and more violent, why is anyone surprised?  Unless you are still refusing to believe in global warming, which wow, I don't know how you function on a day to day basis.  If you don't believe in global warming, you probably also believe that vaccines are a horrible idea because one celebrity told you so.
    It is so much nicer when the dense people watch their football or whatever sport is in season and just leave the heavy thinking for those capable of it.  If there is a God, he is also watching football, how else is he going to help those millionaires catch impossible touchdowns?

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