Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9/23/15 Who Is Picking Up The Tab?

    I might finally start becoming conservative, the thought sucks.  But those peeps are obsessed with the future of our country and who is going to pay for everything.  It just started dawning on me, I know more unemployables than people making real salaries.  I don't see the grouping as it was explained to me five or ten years ago.  There's a hundred people working for each unemployed person, the workers essentially are carrying that person.  In reality, it feels like maybe there's two or three people for each unemployed person.  I only know a handful of those peeps even making more than $100k.
    What is going on?  Welfare should be a band aid, not a life choice.  When Wife and I got married, I was fresh out of school, she still had a couple years to go.  Boy was a welfare baby, we had food stamps, right when they were starting with the Lone Star card.  I was embarrassed to use the card, but it was free food when we had no choice.  We had the reduced childcare and we were on our way.  In a year or two, my salary about doubled when I went from operator to engineer and before we knew it, all the social services fell off.  I still remember going to the daycare and instead of the reduced $50 or so, now they wanted $300 or $400.  I took Boy home with me and I was then watching him myself when Wife was at school and I was supposed to be asleep because I was working nights.  We lived in the same apartment I had lived in with my roommates while going to UT.  We finally moved into our first house right at the same time I got the promotion and went to night shift.
    Instead of stories like mine, I see more and more section 8 apartments or reduced rent apartments.  Wife is familiar with those programs because she works with the homeless population, and although I believe there should be some aid, it shouldn't go on indefinitely.  I watched some disturbing videos on YouTube where mothers were screaming at the cameras "who is gonna fix this?  Who is going to feed my kids and put a roof over their heads?"  Ummm, they are your kids, it should be your job.  I don't care how religious or "old school" you are, nobody needs more than two or three kids.  More kids equal more problems.  That stupid notion that more kids bring more happiness is ridiculous, unless one can provide for all those kids, you are setting yourself up for failure.

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