Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9/16/15 Should We Back Off?

    Wife is in the middle of more classes these two weekends.  She finally got her CDL to drive the bus, but for her final act to prove that she can follow rules, she needs to do twenty hours of training with someone from the state.  She was in class eight hours Saturday, from 8am to 5pm and Monday she was back at it, going to a session from 6pm to 10pm.  This coming weekend, she has a final session of eight more hours, again from 8am to 5pm.  Being that she has already been driving the kids back and forth a couple weeks, these classes seem pointless.  She says it is a lot of review of stuff she had already seen in the course to get the license.
    As if that is not enough distraction, she also has to go to Bastrop and present something or other Wednesday night, from stuff she takes care of with one of her other hats.  I think this is for the homeless kids, which she is responsible for from an administrator point of view.  There is also the little discussion of who is going to watch Chubs as she has two conferences in October she has to attend, and then one in December.  We can't count on Boy to be at the ready because he lives in his apartment during the week, so we might end up calling my brother.  Someone has to be in the house with Chubs when I am at work.
    I have also been quietly putting in extra hours pretty much every week.  I am not complaining, my checks have all been healthy with extra pay, but I feel this is contributing to my feeling run down all the time.  Not to mention my falling asleep, every free chance I get.  To add another thing, Fox is coming to install the new A/C, which means more disturbed sleep.  What does one do once they get used to making 50% extra in each check?  I love my big fat checks, Wife tends to stay quiet about Chubs and I daily eating somewhere after school.
    Things finally look like they may be paying off, on Wife's side.  I saw how much she'll be making and it is pretty close to where I thought she would be.  She's still not bringing home the bacon like Daddy over here, but at least her Baco's finally got bigger.  Her raise alone is pretty much going to be paying for my truck, so cool beans on that.

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