Saturday, January 1, 2022

1/1/22 Last Night Of The Year Embodied What Was 2021?

     Last night was a concentrate of what we did all year.  I ate too much, napped, ate some more, made fun of some liberals, and hugged my loved ones.  We went and visited Wife's family for New Year's, we seem to do this because we can party with them and go home at the end of the night, where I prefer to wake up at.  It was a nice affair, all the important pieces of the family were there, unlike last year, when half the siblings were visiting with other people.

    The day started out slow, I got up maybe around 10:00am, drank my coffee and ate some of the cookies and cake that we've had around the house.  Wife then got up around noon and she made breakfast.  We ate together, which is always nice, Boy rarely joins us, but he was here.  After we ate, Wife said we would be leaving around 4-5pm, so I decided I should go lay down and maybe nap.  I laid down in our ghetto bed in the living room and was in and out of sleep for about 2 hours, mostly watching TikTok videos.  I then got up and showered, then we left around 5:00pm.  We got there around 6:30pm, the sun went down as we entered San Antonio, which was nice.  The traffic was packed but moving well.  We pulled into their house, just as the younger nephew came out to move one of the cars so we would fit better in the driveway.

    Wife's sister is a chef/cook, and her man loves BBQing even more than me.  I don't think we have stopped by when he hasn't just smoked a brisket, or some other exotic food.  Last night he was outside making "tripas", intestines, which I guess is a Mexican delicacy.  He said he started by boiling them for 2-3 hours, to soften them up, then frying them up for a good 30-40 minutes.  Apart from this, he had a separate grill and was making some "mollejas" (not even sure how they are spelled and saying the English word just makes it sound way more disgusting, but they are truly great, when cooked right).  I'm telling you; these people will fatten you up.  The other sister made a charcuterie board with all sorts of cheeses, crackers, and finger foods.  There were also empanadas with apple and pumpkin fillings, banana bread cupcakes that were still steaming when pulled apart, tamales, menudo, and so many other snacks.

    I had some fun, Wife told me not to get all political, but my in-laws gave me a sign which read "It's not my fault, I voted for Trump."  I thought that was awfully cute and I was having a good laugh when Wife's big liberal cousin walked in, with a blue mask.  I just reacted with a loud laugh and pointed, yelling something like "Ahhhh, of course you're wearing a mask!!!"  I thought it was funny because there was just a story I saw that says and the CDC admits that cloth masks are really just for show.  We should be wearing N95 masks if we really want protection, and come on, nobody is going to wear a mask like that, and then take it off to eat or drink.  If you are really that scared, stay home.  The cousin gave a lame "I'm wearing it because of the high levels of pollen outside, which sounded even weirder."  Wife had said not to get into it, so I just let it go, but it was funny for a minute.

    After eating a bunch of stuff, then taking about 6 jello shots and some coquito drink (some Puerto Rican alcoholic stuff), I was ready for another nap, so I went and laid down in my in-law's bedroom, which I have been doing the last couple years when we go visit.  This works great because I can nap, and Wife can talk all she wants with her people.  After about an hour and a half, I rejoined the party.  It was all good, the kids popped fireworks around 11:30pm (I am so glad my boys are past this, as I don't have to be out on the street supervising), then I helped Wife open the champagne bottles and poured the glasses right before midnight.  We rang the new year in right at the door running in and out trying to hand everyone a glass.  It could have been a bit cooler, I felt hot and clammy for a while after all the hoopla, I even thought I might actually be coming down with something, but I think now that I am fine, I just got uncomfortably hot for a bit.

    Wife helped to clean up for about 30 minutes, all the food had already been put away before while I was napping, so when we left the house was mostly back in order.  Honestly, with all the Jello shots and feeling hot and clammy, Wife drove and that was great.  I did stay awake most of the way, making small talk with her.  I-35 was surprisingly calm, and there was not much traffic, at 1:00am.  We got home at 2:00am and were probably in bed by 3:00am.  It is now 1:00pm and I can hear Wife stomping around upstairs, so let's see how this new year goes, it has to be better than fucking 2021.

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