Monday, January 3, 2022

1/3/22 AITA 2?

     I probably will come out of this as the asshole again, but what can I do?  I went grocery shopping this morning after dropping off Baby A at wrestling practice at 10:00am (they don't start school until Wednesday).  I was not in any particular hurry, and I usually do the shopping nowadays, so this was as casual as I can get to do this chore that I will admit I don't love doing but I handle.  Anyways, I was minding my own business, getting things we needed and/or was requested, such as more toothpaste, Dr. Pepper, hairspray, cucumbers and on.  I hate going back and forth, but I do sometimes, like when I decide I am going to make chili later in the week.  I then have to go back and get the right cans of beans and cornbread mix.

    Eventually I made it to the meat section, and I usually get a whole chicken, cut into its parts in a big flat styrofoam pack.  I have compared the prices and I have found this is cheaper than buying the chicken whole or just split in half.  Again, I was not in a hurry, but in my way was one of those new carts being handled by an HEB employee for the ever so convenient lazy fuck who doesn't want to shop for themselves and she was at the perfect range where she could fit between her cart and the chicken and if I was 100 pounds, I could have probably fit in with her, but I am a gross 400 pound 50 year old man, I am not going to try and get anywhere near close to a 20 something twit chick in painted on pants.  I decided to wait, I was whistling whatever Billy Joel or soft rock song was playing over the intercom and thinking "well, she'll pack her one pack of chicken and move along... well maybe two since it is a big cart..." at what point does this become ridiculous?  She went and packed about 4 separate packages of chicken in plastic bags, like she was scanning and bagging at checkout.  The whole time I am staring at her in a "move your shit" kind of fashion.  She then decided it was the perfect place to bag the plastic bags into a paper bag, without moving.  I took this as a little passive aggressive, she knew I wanted to get to where she was at.  When she finally decided she was done, I continued whistling and whistled a little louder once she got her head out of her ass and acknowledged me, I motioned with my neck to "beat it" (moving it to the side).  Usually, people do an "I'm sorry" or "my bad, didn't see you", but this little Shit tells me "Use your words next time" or some shit like that.  I was like "huh?" and just said "yeah."  I proceeded to get my chicken and she came back to say something like "When we need people to move, we use our words."  I still barely acknowledged her and just gave her an up and down head nod.

    I guess me motioning with my head to "Scoot" was rude, but come on, she knew what she was doing, taking forever packing way too many packages right there, that was rude too.  I don't think I need to tell you to move when you have hogged the area for longer than a few seconds.  I am constantly aware of my surroundings and I don't want to be the guy slowing other people down because I am lost in my thoughts.  Save that shit for when you are home, out in public you should have your head on a swivel, as I always tell my boys.  So, Am I The Asshole?

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