Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1/24/22 Shit Drivers?

     I never worry about my driving out on the road, it's the shit birds that accompany us that make the roads unsafe.  One of my more regular series of videos that I watch are driving fails on Youtube.  These consist of car accidents, and I don't look at them because I enjoy watching people get destroyed, I watch to try and understand where the accident occurs.  Most of the time, it is one of the drivers not paying attention.  A lot of them are when people are driving too fast, and the traffic starts slowing down.  It is so easy to gauge this, slow down and just figure somebody up front messed up, we'll get past the accident and get back to normal speeds.  A lot of people are either not paying attention or get in a trance and don't read the cars piling up.  I am always surprised when you see a car coming in at twice the speed of the rest of traffic, like, where is your head?

    Anyways, I just went to Target a couple minutes ago.  On my way back home, I am only about 5 minutes away, there are 2-3 STOP signs, nothing fancy, and at this hour the traffic is very light.  I went to STOP when it was my turn, the guy on the next lane turned, and then I started to take my foot off the brake, but a third car came up to the STOP 90 degrees to my right and even though I was already in motion, he/she just slid right through without so much as slowing down or a little hand wave indicating "my bad".We weren't driving fast, so there was no chance we would hit, this was just the driver being a douchebag, not really dangerous.  I then was behind them, and they did it again at the next STOP.  The car that turned in front of me properly did the stop, then went but this car, being behind that car didn't even touch their brakes and went through.

    I don't care, if you are not putting me in danger, do whatever.  Wife hates it when speeders zoom past us, I prefer them to pass us and keep getting distance from us.  If they are going to crash, better they move along and make their mistakes away from me, so I have time to react.  These people, if they don't change their driving habits, will at some point be T-boned at an intersection and it might cost them their lives, but I guess if it saved them 2-3 seconds every time they didn't stop, it will be worth it?  I guess I learned it the hard way myself, in high school, I got stopped once after band practice.  I was dropping off a group of kids and I may have slid through a STOP sign without stopping completely.  A police officer happened to be there, with his daughter also fresh from band practice, and he gave me a ticket.  Sometimes, that is the best lesson.

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