Wednesday, January 12, 2022

1/12/22 The Downside Of Owning Too Much Stuff?

     Everything requires maintenance, and that is where stuff falls apart, literally.  I usually do a pretty good job of maintaining our vehicles.  Wife racks up the miles, I get the oil changes done when needed.  I got the bright idea of getting a backup car last year, just before prices got crazy, and got our little Ford Escape.  The car has been more than great, and Wife drives it a good amount for work, until it needs an oil change, then she'll drive the Telluride for a week or so.  Right before Christmas break, the Excursion suddenly developed a loud noise, and I thought it was simply the muffler had rusted through, the thing is like 17 years old now.  I didn't think much more than that and just jumped into the next vehicle and kept going.  It probably took another two weeks before I even discussed anything to do with it and that is when my dad put the idea of stolen catalytic converter out in the air.  Turned out to be right, so now I really didn't want to drive it, knowing it is going to cost me at least $1000, if I know the Ford place well.  Fast forward to today and I was sure it had been too long, and it probably was not even going to start.  I then thought well, if it sits longer other things might start going bad, and I do have a nice battery charger, if it gets to that.  I was happy it started after a few rough sounds.  It sounds horrendous and I can't understand how all those cool guys that take the muffler off on purpose can enjoy riding around with all that noise.  I just backed it up and moved it over in the driveway and it annoyed me so much.  How can someone willingly think that noise is good?  We need to pay down some of our Christmas expenses before looking into spending more money to get this fixed.

    The pool is my original albatross, man do I have a love/hate relationship with that thing.  On the one hand, I love the idea of owning my own pool, but on the other, it is such a hassle keeping up with it year-round, that a lot of the time, I just don't.  Somehow or other, we accidentally repaired wherever it had been leaking for the last few years and currently, it has still been holding water since around August.  This has got me a little interested in not letting it turn green and we were doing okay, until I ran out of chlorine, which I had ordered a 25-pound tub in the spring.  I bit the bullet and went and bought a 35-pound tub last week (another $200) and filed the chlorinator hoping that would be enough, but I guess the algae is still trying to fuck with me.  I went out there a while ago, opened up the water hose (I had covered it for freezes), and primed the pump to run.  I was surprised it all started so easy, and I went ahead and brushed the walls loose of any algae and took out as many leaves and floating stuff as I could.  This, with some shock and running the pump overnight should clear the water up in a day or two.  I am hoping it holds water like it has, and I will start using it as soon as we get into a series of 80-degree days.

Wife just texted to be a dear, since I am doing stuff outside and take down the last of the Christmas lights in the balcony.  Like I said, there is a downside to having nice things.  There is always work to keep up with stuff.

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