Tuesday, January 18, 2022

1/17/22 Spanking At Work?

     Well, I guess fun time's over.  I got the proverbial spanking at work for leaving early hundred too many times.  I still call bullshit on the whole thing.  Back in 2020, when things were at their worst with Covid-19, we were told that in order to reduce exposure, we had permission to come in do as much work as was required to keep things going and just worry about what was going to be due the next day, maybe prep the upcoming stuff so it would get done in time.  The important part was to keep up with customer demands, still meet our deadlines on getting the data required to our customers and still feel safer because we didn't just have to sit onsite to meet our time demands.  I was even converted from an hourly, which I had been since I started there in November of 1995 to an exempt.  Since it had been years since I had made any extra money from over time, it seemed the smart thing to do.  By doing this, it allowed me to come and go as I pleased, provided the work was done.

    I thought we had become very efficient at working in this manner, I even got in the habit of running both analysis tools, which essentially doubles my work output and allowed me to do double the work in half the time.  Prior to this, we could only use the other company's tool if ours was down.  Since we were qualified and allowed to run our product on that tool, it just seemed like silly human rules to not use the tool, the other company only works 8-5pm, so the tool is empty and not used in the evenings, which is why I've been the only one to get into this habit.  You could say on any given day, I was only at work for 5-6 hours, but in that time, I was not taking coffee breaks, I stopped watching shows on Netflix, all I was doing was focusing on getting whatever work done, and then leaving.  Trust me, I may be only there 5 hours, but nobody else's lab coat has sweat stains, I hardly sit down, and really enjoyed working at that rate, with the understanding that my reward would be a short shift most days.

    For whatever reason, the dinosaurs in charge have decided we should all be back to full time on site, I guess we can ignore Covid now, it has lost its star status as the disease of the week.  We were told this sometime around August to go back to normal, but none of us really wanted to, and why should we, the work was all getting done, and we were as happy as idiots who haven't seen a raise in over ten years can be, given the circumstances.  We were all given a sheet which showed the door data, funny enough, they had said they would not be looking at this data when I brought it up before.  This shows how long we are in the building because we have to scan in and out.  My time was pretty much what I thought it would be, I have been onsite 49.1% of the time I am supposed to be there.  I don't think it was quite right, I only showed 8 hours of vacation in the months between August and December.  I know I was off for a week in November for Thanksgiving and the last two weeks of the year for the Christmas holidays.

    There is no fucking way that I will go back to ten hours a day and work at the rate I was working before, I'll stay the full shift, if I must, but I will only run one tool, like everybody else.  I also asked about bringing my hours down some more.  I can't go back to working the true night shift anymore, it has left my internal clock messed up.  I am writing this right now at 1:00am, I really should be asleep, I have to get up in the morning to take Baby A to school.  I am going to try to work something like noon to 10:00pm, or maybe if I put my lunch on the end of the shift, get out at 9:00pm.

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