Sunday, January 16, 2022

1/16/22 Dealing With Covid Boy?

     Baby A came down with Covid-19 last week.  We tested him on Thursday after he woke up looking like he had the flu.  I would have left it alone and believed it was just the flu, maybe the cool Flurona, but after hearing six other wrestlers also were positive pretty much told me he had caught it.  I hate to say the name, but Victory Medical is my new favorite place to go for our medical needs, specifically the one in Bee Caves.  This location is so clean and quiet, I just feel relaxed being here, as compared to going to other places which always add a waiting component to the visit.

    Anyways, by the time I took him, he was full into his sickness, but as bad as he looked, it was over pretty quick.  His biggest ailment was muscle soreness, he was moving like my dad, just missing the ooh ooh ooh every time he sat.  Since he had overdone it in the weight room, he had thought it was this Tuesday and Wednesday, when he started going downhill.  I was pretty sure I was going to get it again; we were at the wrestling meet with them, and he spends all his time at home with us, when he is awake.  I thought it was funny when I called to work and they asked me "well, have you been close to him?"  My response was "we are currently touching elbows in the car (the Ford Escape is rather small), so yeah we have been close, but he will be quarantined in his room when we get home."  I can't say he was quarantined all that badly, like I was a year ago.  We let him come down and sit with us on his end of the sofa and watch a movie while we ate.  This has been our routine for lunch and dinner all weekend.

    He woke up Saturday happy that he could squat almost normally, and he said his chest was not feeling as congested.  It is now Sunday and Wife and I still feel fine, I can't think he is still as contagious as he might have been on Wednesday or Thursday last week.  He was pretty much back to normal today, but I think he is enjoying the "having to stay home and not doing anything."

    Boy was trying to be in a panic, as little as he has been here.  When he came and saw Baby A sitting in the living room, he started with his passive aggressive shit about he is supposed to be locked up, Wife surprisingly told him "Shut up!", something she never does.  He kind of got the hint, and that might have been part of the reason he went to go sleep at his girlfriend's house.

    I thought it was interesting that when we got home from the doctor and Baby A found out he was sick with Covid, Boy got home early from work because he went to go get his third vaccine shot, or his booster.  They were both sick for about the same amount of time, Boy woke up Friday with sore muscles and a sore arm where he got the shot.  Both were up and moving about fine by Friday night.  I am not saying the booster is a bad idea, but it does seem like the latest Covid is mild and it might spread faster, but with less devastating results.  In all, nine or ten of the wrestlers tested positive, but they are all feeling better by now, as Mijo heard through their group text.

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