Friday, January 7, 2022

1/6/22 Cobra Kai Season 4?

     I guess this might have some spoilers, but the new season has been out a week or two.  We love this show, it just comes together so perfectly, even with all the glaring problems we see from the parents.  In the new season, they are already doing prep work if they decide to continue the drama of fighting your problems out by showing the younger kid more and creating an enemy for him in the new kid, who honestly was just trying to fit in.  I really hated young LaRusso's friends more who kept taunting him to "do something about it", when there was nothing to be done, the new kid was struggling to make any friends.

    Overall, that is where I kind of have a problem, if this was a real family.  Daniel is a successful businessman, with a car dealership.  Why is he distracting himself so much from what he should be focused on?  Stop making life about you being the center of the goddammed world and remember you have kids.  Even when his kid does end up getting in trouble, his solution is not to engage with the kid, but to send him to his room and isolate him even more.  His relationship with his daughter is also dependent on her learning his karate, when he should be happy she interested at all.  She is a rich pretty girl, I can't imagine my niece lining up to take a kick to the face, just because this is what daddy is into.  He is actually upset when he finds out she has been learning different karate, not just his, until he swallows his pride and sees that it helps her win.

    For the drama, this show is perfect, in reality, it would be silly.  At one point, the old guard, Kreese and his partner get into it with Johnny, again, and a fight ensues.  The choreography was great, but I can't imagine a 70 something year old man taking a kick from someone thirty years younger and walking away.  A stiff breeze makes my dad lose his balance, and he is from the Vietnam era.  These old geezers are still performing round house kicks like they are 16 years old.  As I have said, I think I'm kind of strong and solid, until I try to grab my 16-year-old in a wrestling hold.  That is a beast I don't want to unleash, there is no way, these 70-year-old men can physically compete with the young people on screen.

    There seemed to be a new exciting development in every episode, each ending with an amazing new cliffhanger.  This stuff wouldn't fly in the real world, but as far as this world created by Daniel and Johnny, anything can and will be solved with some fighting.  As exciting as the All-Valley championship was, how can you top off the fight we waited for all season, the conclusion left a new cliffhanger that only leaves us excited for the new season.

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