Friday, January 28, 2022

1/28/22 Wings Think They're Prime Meat Now?

     I don't know who gave them permission, but wings are trying to run around with royalty, based on what they think they can charge.  Last night, I had to pick up Baby A from school, they did not have wrestling practice after school, they just spent 45 minutes or so taking team pictures.  He asked me earlier if we could go have wings after school and my initial response was "No!", I am a hard-working responsible man, that has to stay at work all day long and half the night.  I mean I thought all that, but I just said no.  After sitting at work a few hours and realizing I had about an hours' worth of work left and five more hours to kill, I decided, people do get lunch breaks, so I told him we would stop and eat some wings.  In my head, this worked out differently than reality.  First off, his pictures too longer than I thought, then he had a straggler friend join us, not that I mind the boys, I generally like all of them, but I also like having my son to myself to hear his stories at the end of the day.

    All this was fine, I didn't even mind sitting with them while they giggled like schoolgirls while going back and forth with the rest of the wrestlers in their chat, I think he likes a girl wrestler or at least there is some flirting going on.  All that is cute to watch, so I just sat back and took the ambience in.  Even the waitress was perfect for the moment, she asked what we were up to, and I can't wait to tell anyone my son wrestles and they had just done team pictures.  She chimed in that she had wrestled in high school, had gone to state back in the day, and even started talking moves and shoes and the lingo that made me believe she wasn't just saying stuff to sound cool.

    My knuckleheaded son got me to take him here because he wanted wings, but when he saw burgers on the menu, which is what I had defrosted to make at home, he and his friend both ordered burgers, which kind of bothered me.  I guess they did me a favor, not knowingly.  The waitress did mention that the prices had changed and pointed to the wall.  I would have had to get up to look around the bar, so I just nodded, figuring the prices were $2-$4 dollars more, right?  I got a dozen wings, thinking the boys can eat a couple, it is a wings restaurant, after all.  The big shocker was the $75 check.  I noticed my wings were $26.99.  On the menu, they were listed at $13.99.  Come on, that is a bit of abuse.  I assumed it was a mistake, and told the waitress "I think the price is wrong on the wings..."  She came back with "uh, I mentioned that the prices had been changed and again pointed to the wall.  I wasn't going to argue, I just said a sheepish "wow!" and handed her my card.  She said she was sorry for the confusion, and she would take some off.  She came back and did give me a $10.26 discount, but she had been so nice, and she did talk about wrestling, so I basically gave it back to her with a $15 tip.  I mean the 15% tip would have been $11.

    It sucks but there is no way we are eating wings outside the house any time soon.  I was trying to tell Wife that "Little Shit wanted to go eat wings and then didn't even order wings..." to which he casually added "you would have wanted me to order wings, at those prices?"  Well, we didn't know the prices were that crazy, so I guess it was good that they both ordered $10 burgers, but still.  Dammit, it's bad enough we hardly eat out anymore.  Prices like that are not helping anyone.

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