Monday, May 24, 2021

5/24/21 Flex Tape For The Win?

     I know I am probably celebrating prematurely, but for now, I am seeing the pool finally hold the water at the level it is supposed to be at.  For the last 5-6 years, it has had a leak I just could not find.  I think it is either in the return box that sends water back to the pump and filter or it is in one of the jets that brings the water back to the pool.  When I am paying attention and fill the pool up past those points, it always seems to come back the next day to just below one of the jets and/or the return box on the opposite side.

    What needs to be done is I probably have to break the concrete to access the plumbing behind the pool wall, but that just seems daunting.  As a result, I just kind of ignore the pool altogether and we just hardly ever use it.  If we want to have a party, I can fill it up the day before or starting early in the morning, but it is just an illusion as the water will have leaked out by the next day.

    So, earlier this month, Wife and I were talking and Wife said kind of in a throw away line that I should just plug all the holes with tape or something and just go around all the plumbing in the ground.  This got me thinking and because we are constantly shown the video of Flex tape holding up even underwater, I thought it might do the trick.  I went online and looked and found a roll that is sold at 8 inches wide.  I ordered that but had been too busy to mess around with it.  This weekend I finally had enough time to drain the pool low enough, tape the flex tape, wait 24 hours, as recommended on the packaging, it did not really want to stick to the wet fiberglass, then I started refilling it yesterday afternoon.

    I figured that by morning we would see the water back to the level of the return jet or the tape is holding.  For now, it appears the tape is holding, so I am pretty happy about that.  The next step is to run the pump all week to get rid of the algae, I am also shocking it daily.  I am not going to lie, it is a pain in the ass dealing with this pool, but if it doesn't work, we are already talking about digging it out of the yard and looking to get another one.  I might still try cutting the concrete around the pool to get to the plumbing behind the fiberglass, but even DD frowned at the idea of using the saw designed to cut concrete, saying it is a pain in the ass.  Still, I can rent the saw for $100, make a cut, replace some tubing at a cost of $50, tops.  Then fill in with some new concrete and save $50,000 in not getting a new pool.

    I also saw a Flex glue that you just spread over a leaking device and it stops the leak.  A news station did a "will it work?" on Youtube and they showed it did work, so I still have some options.

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